Chapter 1 | Meeting The Marauders

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First Year

This was it. It was my first day of Hogwarts, the day I'd been dreaming of ever since I could remember. I was at station 9 and ¾ with my parents, and my good friend and neighbour, James Potter, and his parents.

"This is it!" James said, shaking me excitedly. "We're going to learn magic, N/n!"

His glasses slipped down his nose a bit with the force of his shaking. I ruffled his wild, untamed black hair, something I knew he hated.

"I know!" I replied, equally as excited.

"Okay, James, Y/n, it's time to get on the train," Mrs Potter said.

"Bye, mum," James said, hugging his mother.

I hugged and kissed both of my parents goodbye before boarding the train with James. We walked down the corridor until we found an empty compartment. We sat down opposite each other, both of us buzzing with nerves and excitement.

The train began to move with a jolt, and I waved to my parents and Mr and Mrs Potter through the window. When they faded from view, I turned back to James.

"We're off to Hogwarts!" I said excitedly.

Both of our heads whipped to the compartment door as it slid open. A boy with black hair who looked our age was standing there and wringing his hands.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"'Course not," I said, moving over and patting the space beside me. "Come on in. I'm Y/n."

"Sirius," he said, sitting down next to me and across from James.

"I'm James," my friend said.

The door opened again, and a girl with bright red hair and stunningly green eyes entered the compartment.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Y/n."

"Lily," she sniffled.

I noticed that she seemed to be crying. I didn't want to push her about it (I didn't even know her) so I smiled at her and patted the space next to me – the space closest to the window.

"Want to sit down?" I asked.

"Thanks," she mumbled, taking the seat.

I looked over to James to see him staring at Lily. I kicked him and he looked at me in outrage.

"So, how do you and James know each other?" Sirius asked.

"We're neighbours," I said. "We've known each other since birth, pretty much."

"Correction," James said. "She's known me since birth. I'm older than her."

"By five days!" I exclaimed.

James and Sirius began laughing before the compartment door opened once again. Two boys stood there. There was a tall boy our age, a book tucked under his arm. He had scars over his face, and I wondered what had happened to him. There was a shorter, slightly round boy with a goofy smile on his face.

"Do you – do you mind if we sit here?" the taller one asked.

I just stared at him. He was kind of cute if I was being honest.

"Of course," James said, snapping me out of my trance-like state.

The two boys sat next to James, the taller (and cuter) one sitting across from me.

"I'm Y/n," I said to the newcomers.

"I'm Remus," the taller one answered.

"I'm Peter," the shorter one squeaked.

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