Chapter 29 | The Yule Ball

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After the food fight, everyone left to get cleaned up. No one got into any trouble, which was amazing. Sirius figured that we should have a food fight every year. I didn't have the heart to tell him that McGonagall probably wouldn't allow it.

Once we reached the Gryffindor Tower, we all played a few rounds of exploding snap. When the clock reached four, Lily and I went up to the dorms.

"Do you really need an hour and a half to prepare?" James asked.

"Yes," Lily, Sirius, and I all said.

Lily and I took our dresses out of our trunks and used a spell to free them from wrinkles. The other girls were getting ready, too, and we all had fun talking about the boys.

I got changed into my dress in the bathroom. It was f/c and ended just above my knees. It had a (low/high) back and a (your preferred neckline) neckline. When I exited the bathroom, the girls complimented me and the dress.

Lily got changed into a beautiful green dress that brought out her eyes.

Quite a few spells later, our hair and makeup was done.

"Ready to go down?" Lily asked.

"James is literally going to fall at your feet," I said.

"I could say the same about Remus and you," Lily chuckled.

I laughed and followed her down the stairs. When we reached the common room, the Marauders were waiting for us. They all wore suits and bow ties, but Remus wore it the best, in my opinion.

James and Remus's jaws both dropped when they beheld Lily and I.

"Oi, Moony, Prongs, you're both drooling," Sirius said.

Remus shut his mouth quickly and smiled at me. I walked over to him and kissed him.

"You – you look beautiful," Remus said.

I bit my lip and felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"You look pretty dashing yourself," I said.

Remus smiled wider and kissed me again.

After Marlene and Mary arrived, we all went down to the Great Hall, where the ball was being held.

When we entered the hall, I gasped in delight.

The entire room was bedecked in ice and snow. There were Christmas trees in each corner, and silver and blue tinsel decorated the room. Blue and white lights floated in the air, and it was snowing, but the snow stopped just before it hit the heads of students. Slow music was playing.

"This is beautiful," Lily breathed.

"Not as beautiful as you," James said.

"Disgusting. Shut up," Sirius said.

Marlene rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, I'm off to the food table," she said.

Sirius winked at us before following after her.

"Care to dance?" Remus asked me.

"I'd love to," I said.

Remus took my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor, amid other dancing couples. I placed my arms around his neck, and he held onto my waist. I sighed happily and leaned against him as we swayed to the beat. Remus rested his chin on my head.

"You know, I never thanked you," Remus said softly.

"For what?" I asked.

"For... for becoming an Animagus," he said quietly. "For... for helping me in that way."

I pulled away from his chest and looked up at him.

"Remus," I said. "You know I would do anything for you, right? Not just because you're my boyfriend – but because you're my best friend."

I heard a gasp and I turned to the side to see Lily.

"I thought I was your best friend!" she exclaimed.

James looked at her in shock and outrage.

"I thought I was your best friend!" he blurted.

"Prongs! How could you!" Sirius yelled. "I thought I was your best mate!"

"You are!" James said, pushing Lily away and rushing over Sirius. "Lily's just my girlfriend, nothing more!"

Sirius sniffled at James and brought him into a hug. Lily, Remus, and I exchanged confused glances.

"Has anyone danced with McGonagall yet?" I asked.

Remus shook his head. I chuckled and lay my head on his chest again, and we continued swaying to the music.

There was the sound of a record scratch and I looked over to see Sirius at the record player. He switched the records and I saw McGonagall storm over to him. The tune began playing. It was an upbeat funky type of song. Lily gasped in delight.

"The Bee Gees!" she said excitedly.

"Bless you?" Peter said.

"No, The Bee Gees! It's a band! This is called Stayin' Alive! I love this song! Let's dance, c'mon!"

Lily started dancing and I followed her actions. The song was actually very groovy, and Sirius and James joined us in dancing. We all showed off some horrible dance moves, but we were all having a great time, and that's all that mattered.

Time moved quickly, and suddenly it was midnight, and we were all being sent to bed.

The Marauders, Lily, and I talked all the way up to the tower. We all went up to the boys' dorm (seeing as they weren't allowed in the girls' rooms), and we started playing a whole bunch of games.

"Guys... we should totally have a sleepover," Sirius said.

"Um, hell yeah," Lily said. "Y/n and I will go grab our pyjamas."

Lily grabbed my hand and hauled me up. We ran to the girls' dormitory, giggling to each other. We got changed into our pyjamas quietly, seeing as the other girls had already gone to sleep. We grabbed our toiletries and quickly made our way back to the boys' room.

"Knock, knock," Lily said, before opening the door.

The boys were all in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. Remus came out without a shirt on, and I swear my eyes nearly fell out of my head. He was so goddamn hot.

Lily and I walked into the bathroom and bumped the Marauders out of the way so that we could brush our teeth. Sirius pretended to spit toothpaste at us.

Once we'd gotten ready for bed, we all stayed up for a bit longer. I sat next to Remus on his bed, who pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me waist. I leaned back into him, happy and content.

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I woke up under the covers, cuddled up to Remus. I breathed in deeply and cuddled up closer.

Best. Christmas. Ever.

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