Chapter 30 | Veritaserum

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Tutoring with Lily was torturous.

I'd fallen behind a bit in potions, so Lily was helping me. We had a few potions on the table, and we were creating antidotes. The potions included Amortentia, Veritaserum, Felix Felicis, and Polyjuice Potion. Lily had gotten them all from Slughorn, who was more than happy to let her tutor me.

Lily and I were just finishing when James came into the common room.

"You can take the Felix Felicis, if you want," Lily said. "You might get lucky with Remus."

Lily winked at me and I felt my cheeks begin to burn as I smacked her arm. Lily turned away and began talking to James when I took the vial of Felix Felicis and downed it in one gulp.

Nothing felt different.

Lily glanced back to me with a smile before looking to James. She froze and then looked back to me, her mouth opening in horror.

"Y/n!" she exclaimed. "That was not the Felix Felicis!"

I looked to the bottle in my hand and then to the other potions on the table. Polyjuice, Amortentia, Veritaserum –

That wasn't Veritaserum on the table. That was Felix Felicis.

"Oh no," I said.

"Yeah, that's right," Lily said, rushing to the table. "I'll make the antidote."

At that moment, the common room door opened, and the rest of the Marauders entered the common room, closely followed by Marlene, Frank, and Alice.

Remus walked over to us and noticed my panic-stricken face.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked. "What happened?"

"I drank Veritaserum," I said, before clamping my hand over my mouth.

"Veritaserum?" Frank echoed. "Well, this could be fun."

Lily shook her head.

"Don't do it," she warned.

"Oh, lighten up a bit," Frank said. "It's just like a game of truth or dare, minus the dare bit."

Alice and Marlene shrugged. I bit my lip and looked at Lily. She shrugged, so I nodded. A few rounds couldn't hurt, right?

"Tell us if you want to stop," Sirius said.

"Alright," I said shortly. "But you only get two questions."

"No fair. Give us ten."





Frank clapped his hands excitedly and began whispering to Marlene and Alice. Lily continued working on making the antidote.

"Alright – easy first question. Who's your favourite Marauder?" Alice asked.

"Remus," I said instantly.

Marlene scoffed and rolled her eyes while the other three Marauders pretended to be outraged.

"Besides your boyfriend," Alice said.


James punched the air and Sirius shook his head at me. He mouthed the word 'betrayal.'

"Alright. This is a fun one," Frank said. "Do you know what Remus's furry little problem is?"

James and Sirius basically jumped across the room to cover my mouth. Marlene and Frank's eyes went wide.

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