Chapter 28 | Christmas Morning

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I woke up the next morning to Lily shaking me awake.

"Y/n! It's Christmas! Wake up!"

"Five more minutes," I grumbled, turning over.

"Are you sure you don't want to open your presents?" Lily asked.

My eyes snapped open, and I sat up to see a pile of presents at the end of my bed. I quickly tore into them, excited to see what I got.

My parents sent me a broom compass and a red and gold sweater. Mr and Mrs Potter sent me gingerbread men, something that I got from them every year. I went through the rest of my presents, until the only people I hadn't received anything from were the Marauders and Lily. We all preferred to give our gifts in person, so Lily and I went downstairs (still in our pyjamas) to find the Marauders.

There were a few Gryffindors in the common room, but no Marauders.

"What time is it?" I asked Lily.

"Nearly nine-thirty," she replied. "Why aren't they up yet?"

"This reeks of a prank," I muttered.

I glanced around the common room again.

"I saw we go up to their room and check out what's happening," Lily said.

I shrugged.

"Alright," I said. "I've been mentally scarred a few times that I've been up there. Let me tell you, Sirius after a shower is terrifying. I thought there was a Kelpie in the room."

Lily snorted at my joke, and we made our way upstairs to the boys' dormitories. When we reached the familiar door of the Marauders' room, I knocked lightly on the door.

There was no response.

"Maybe they're-"

Before I could finish, Lily banged her fist against the wood three times.

"Wake up!" she yelled. "It's Christmas!"

"Bloody hell, Potter. Why'd you have to have such a loud girlfriend?"

"Shut up Padfoot. At least I have a girlfriend."

"We're coming in!" Lily sang, opening the door.

The boys grumbled at the light coming in through the doorway. To make things better, Lily opened the curtains with a flick of her wand.

Sirius groaned and threw a pillow over his eyes. James reached over to put his glasses on, and I walked over to Remus's bed. Remus was a heavy sleeper, so I had to wake him up somehow.

"Remus," I sang pulling back the covers.

I placed my cold hands on his face and neck, and he woke up with a snort.

"N/n?" he asked sleepily.

"Morning, Remy," I said. "Wake up! It's Christmas!"

"Five more minutes," he murmured. He reached out to me. "C'mere."

I sighed dramatically and crawled under the covers with him. He cuddled me up to his chest and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I sighed happily and cuddled up to him, placing a kiss on his collarbone.

After five minutes, Lily practically dragged James out of his bed, and we all got up. I sat next to Remus as he opened his gifts from his parents and from James's parents.

"Alright, now for each other," James said, once everything had been opened.

"Accio presents," I said.

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