Chapter 3 | O.W.L.s

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Fifth Year

"What is the incantation to summon something towards yourself?"

I sighed as I slumped back into my chair.

"Accio," I replied.

Lily nodded and began combing through the massive textbook on her lap. It was our fifth year, and we were now studying for our O.W.L.s with Remus. Many fifth year students were doing the same. Remus was reading through Transfiguration Today and looked quite damn cute while doing it. His curls were messy and the scars on his face weren't visible with the firelight. Not that his scars made him unattractive. I'd always thought that they added mystery to his character.

Before Lily could quiz me again, the door opened and Sirius, James, and Peter walked into the common room. Lily groaned and rolled her eyes, shutting her book and getting ready to leave.

Lily hated James. Ever since first year, he'd had a crush on her, and kept asking her out. She just thought he was an 'arrogant toe-rag'. Which I found funny. For some reason, James didn't find it funny.

"Lily, don't leave me!" I whined. "I'll fail my O.W.L.s without you! Do you really want that on your conscience?"

Lily had become one of my closest friends over the years, despite our not-so-friendly introduction in first year. She scowled at me, and I used my best puppy-dog eyes. She groaned again and rolled her eyes but sat back down.

"You won't fail, N/n," Remus said, not looking up from his book. "You're one of the smartest people in our year."

I blushed and looked away but mumbled a thank you. James, Sirius, and Peter came to our little place by the fire.

"If you're going to bother us and not study, you can leave," Remus said to the boys.

"Wow, real nice, Moony," Sirius said. "Not even excited to see your bestest friends?"

"Bestest isn't a word," Remus said, not looking up from his book.

Sirius opened his mouth to say something back, but Lily interrupted him.

"You can stay if you study," she said sternly.

I watched as James sat down next to her and began skimming over my Charms notes. Sirius and Peter sat down near the fire and began looking at Remus's Potions notes.

We went about quizzing each other, and I watched as James tried flirting with Lily. At one point, I had to physically hold her back from throwing a book at James. I decided then that it was time for Lily and I to go to bed. Besides, we needed rest for our final three O.W.L.s exams the next day.

Lily and I walked up the stairs to our dorm. She was grumbling about how annoying James was.


The next morning, Lily and I got ready to go downstairs with our textbooks in our bags. We were going to do some last minute studying in the hall at breakfast. We were there early, but the food was already there, so we dug in. We sat next to each and read over our notes and quizzed each other until the Marauders arrived.

Marauders – that's what they called themselves, like they were in a gang. I hadn't been invited to join, and it hurt a little bit, seeing as they were some of my closest friends.

"Morning, Y/n, Lily," James said, sitting across from Lily.

Sirius plonked himself down next to James, Peter on his other side. Remus sat down next to me, and my stomach did a weird fluttery thing.

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