Chapter 19 | Red and Gold Glitter

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"I need to learn how to play the saxophone," Sirius said.

We were all hanging out in the common room. It was starting to get dark, and classes had finished for the week.

"Why?" Remus asked.

"Because I wanna wonder around the dungeons and annoy the Slytherins," Sirius said.

"Technically you don't need to know how to play the saxophone to do that," I said.

Sirius nodded at me knowingly.

"You get me, Y/n," he said.

I snorted and threw a pillow at him. He caught it and grinned at me. We all continued talking until an idea hit me.

"We should fill the dungeons with red and gold glitter."

There was a pause of silence.

"You are a bloody genius!" James yelled. "Let's go!"

"I think I'll sit this one out," Lily yawned. "Have fun, though."

After James gave Lily a kiss, and James shoved Sirius for trying to kiss her as well ("What? I thought we were all doing it!") we walked down to the dungeons, avoiding teachers with the map.

Once we reached the dungeons, it was a matter of conjuring the glitter. Sirius got some in his eye, which looked painful for him.

Soon enough, we'd been able to make red and gold glitter constantly fall from the ceiling.

"We gotta run!" James yelled. "Professor McGonagall is headed our way!"

We all sprinted away from the crime scene, running up and down corridors. Somehow, I lost the others and was just running by myself.

I turned a corner and literally bumped into Remus.

"Filch is after me!" he whisper yelled. "Run the other way!"

I grabbed his hand, and we ran through the castle, giggling at everything.

"Quick, in here!" Remus said, pulling me into a broom closet.

I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe, and Remus was laughing alongside me as he closed the door. I tried to stop laughing so we wouldn't be found, but I couldn't, and neither could Remus.

"Muffliato," Remus whispered.

I was able to get enough breath down to stop laughing and conjure light at the tip of my wand. I then realised how close Remus and I were standing. Our chests were nearly touching, and I could feel his breath on my face. I stopped laughing, and so did he.

I stared into his eyes, mesmerised. My eyes flickered down to his lips and then back to his eyes. Remus stared at me intently, before his gaze dipped to my mouth and stayed there.

I tried to control my breathing as butterflies took flight in my stomach. I leaned up towards him, and he leaned down to meet me.

His lips brushed against mine softly, tentatively, before pressing against mine firmly. My arms found my way around his neck, and his hands found my waist. He brushed his tongue against my bottom lip in request, and I opened my mouth for him. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth in sweeping strokes, and I found myself pressing closer to him.

We pulled apart once the need to breathe became completely necessary.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," I whispered.

Remus leaned down to kiss me again.

"I think I do," he breathed when we pulled apart.

I smiled at him and kissed him again. Once we pulled apart, I twisted the curl at the nape of his neck between my fingers.

"Be my boyfriend?" I asked.

Remus bit his lip.

"Are – are you sure you want me?" he whispered. "I'm – I'm a werewolf. I'm a monster. Are you sure you want that?"

I cupped his face in my hands.

"Remus," I said. "You are not a monster. Your wolf side doesn't define who you are. This does." I poked him in the chest, over his heart. "And I want that."

"You want my organs?"

"Don't make me un-ask you out."

"You can't do that."

"Yes, I can."

"Too bad, because I'm your boyfriend now."

I smiled widely at him and kissed him again.

"Should we get back to the Tower now, do you think?" he asked.

I interlaced our fingers.

"Might as well," I said, kissing him again.

Remus and I walked back to the Gryffindor common room hand in hand. We had to hide in couple of empty classrooms to avoid teachers, but we eventually made it back to the common room without a detention.

We told the Fat Lady the password and entered the common room to see James pacing, Sirius lying face first into the couch, Lily reading a book by the fire, and Peter doing his homework. They all looked to us when we entered.

"You're back!" Sirius yelled. "We thought you'd been caught!"

"Yeah!" James said. "We–"

James stopped as he saw Remus and I holding hands.

"Are you two together now?" he asked loudly.

The others whipped their gazes to our joined hands. I nodded and bit my lip, looking to Remus. Remus looked at me and smiled, a small blush on his cheeks.

"You know what this means, right?" James said.

I looked to him, and Lily squealed in delight.

"Double dates!" she said.

"I can't believe Remus got a girl before me," Sirius said.

"There's always Marlene," I said.

Sirius rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

We all spent the next hour or so just talking. I curled up next to Remus on the couch, and Sirius decided to re-enact a moment of James tripping over in slow-motion.

After Lily and I had said goodnight to the boys and gone upstairs to our room, she pulled me onto her bed. We sat cross legged across from each other.

"Tell. Me. Everything," Lily whispered.

I looked around at the other girls' sleeping forms. I whispered, muffliato, and began to tell her.

I told her about the hand-holding, and the kiss in the broom cupboard. She smirked at me at that, and I bit my lip, remembering how his hands felt on my waist.

"So, you snogged Remus Lupin in a broom cupboard," she said.

I shoved her and she laughed quietly.

"You two were made for each other," Lily said.

"Yeah," I sighed happily. "Maybe we are."

The Witch and the Werewolf | Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now