Chapter 4 | A New Year

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Sixth Year

"Remus, Peter! Over here!"

I watched as James and Sirius waved at Peter and Remus from across the station. They spotted us and made their way through the crowd to us. Remus was a lot taller than when we'd met – he was now a towering six foot two inches. The same could be said for the rest of my friends. James was an inch shorter than Remus, and Sirius was two inches shorter than that. The other two loved to tease him about not being quite six feet. Peter was five feet eight inches. He'd stopped growing in fourth year.

"Ready for our sixth year?" James asked.

"Absolutely," Sirius said. "Getting away from my parents and their pure-blooded conquest is gonna be great."

"We get to begin studying for our N.E.W.T.s, now," Remus said.

"And just like that, he's made me lose my will to go back," Sirius complained.

"Shut up, Black. If you keep on complaining we won't have time to snag a compartment," I said.

Sirius gasped in mock outrage, but I'd already waved goodbye to my parents and was boarding the train. The boys scrambled on after me and we found our usual compartment empty. I sat down next to the window with Remus sitting next to me and Peter next to him. James and Sirius lounged in the seats across from us.

"Okay, so I have an announcement," James said. "I'm Quidditch Captain!"

"What?" I exclaimed as the others cheered. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to keep it a surprise," James said, shrugging. "Can't wait to see who's on the team this year. Almost everyone from the previous team has left."

"Wonder who's Slytherin's captain," I mused. "I hope it's not Mulciber. He's a creep."

"Agreed," Remus muttered darkly.

"You know what'd be great?" Sirius said. "If we glued Mulciber's compartment door closed so that he can't leave the train."

"He'll still be able to open it," Remus said boredly. "He has a wand, you know."

"It'll still be fun," Sirius said, standing up. "Who's coming with?"

James and Peter volunteered while Remus and I stayed silent.

"We'll save the compartment for you," I said.

Sirius and James shrugged before leaving, Peter right on their heels.

"How was your summer?" Remus asked.

"It was alright," I said. "I hung out with James and Sirius almost every day. We played a lot of Quidditch. What about you?"

"It was fine," he replied. "My mum took me to a museum. It was pretty cool."

I was about to say something else when the compartment door opened, and Lily entered.

"Lily!" I said, jumping up and giving her a hug.

She embraced me tightly, before pulling back and smiling at me.

"James is coming back soon," I said. "Just warning you."

"Worse things have happened," she sighed, shrugging. "So, how was your summer?"

Lily sat down across from me, and we began talking about our summers, Remus chiming in every now and then. The door opened again, filling the compartment with James and Sirius's laughter. James stopped short as he realised Lily was in the compartment.

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