Chapter 16 | Officially A Member

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I sprinted down the hallway and away from the dungeons and the ridiculous number of flamingos now occupying it. The rest of the Marauders followed closely behind, and Remus and James quickly got ahead of me. Stupid tall people and their stupid long legs.

We continued running until we reached the kitchens. Remus got to the painting first and tickled the pear before the painting swung open. I hurled myself through the threshold and we closed it once Peter got in.

"Well, that was fun," I gasped.

It was about seven thirty, so we were supposed to be in bed in half an hour. But that didn't matter, seeing as I was able to cast a Disillusionment Charm, and we had the cloak and the map.

"You know what?" James said suddenly. "We should bake a cake."

"For your girlfriend?" I teased.

James went red, and the rest of us laughed. Ever since the Quidditch match, James and Lily had become inseparable. I could have sworn I saw Dumbledore hand Professor McGonagall a few Galleons after the Quidditch match.

"I was thinking more for us, but I don't mind sharing," James said, still blushing furiously.

I chuckled and looked to the house elves who were eyeing us. We came down here a lot, and we'd even become friends with a few of them.

"Can we have some ingredients for a cake?" I asked.

"Of course, Miss Y/n," one of them said.

They clicked their fingers, and flour, milk, eggs, and other ingredients appeared on the table.

"Do you have a recipe?" Remus asked me.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. "I don't need one."

"Famous last words," Sirius muttered.

"Are you going to help, or not?" I asked. "If you don't help, you can't have any."

The boys scrambled over quickly and began measuring ingredients. We mixed it in the bowl before putting the goop in a tray and putting it in the oven.

"What's the bet it blows up?" Sirius asked.

"Don't insult my cake," I said.

"Excuse me, I helped make it," Sirius said.

"Barely," I muttered.

Sirius grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at me. Unfortunately for me, I was inhaling at the same time, and I inhaled a bunch of the flour.

I began coughing, my lungs screaming for air.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Sirius asked, laughter lacing each of his words.

"Tell... Lily... I love her," I wheezed, falling dramatically to the floor.

My breathing was nearly back to normal, but they didn't need to know that.

"What about us? Don't you love any of us enough to say goodbye?" James asked.

"Maybe... Lily," I said.

"She's mine," James practically growled.

"I had her first," I sighed, sitting up.

I shook my head and specks of flour flew everywhere. Remus held out a hand for me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up, and (like the clutz I was) I tripped into him.

"Whoa, there," Remus said, chuckling.

He grabbed my arms to steady me. I looked up into his eyes and got lost in them. They were just so beautiful. The brown mixed with the slightest bit of hazel and if I looked closely there were multiple shades of brown.

Remus lifted his hand to my face and wiped away a bit of flour. His hand remained on my face, and my breathing got uneven. I could have sworn my heart skipped a few beats. Was he leaning in, or was I imagining it?

Before I could decide what to do, there was an unholy screech and a body slammed into Remus and I. I toppled over and hit the floor, groaning at the pain in my elbow. Sirius was lying between Remus and I, covered in flour and moaning in pain.

"STRIKE!" James yelled.

"Did James just throw you?" I asked incredulously.

"I slipped!" Sirius yelled.

I began laughing and lay down on the flour covered floor. Sirius got up, shaking his head, and Remus lay down next to me.

"This is a big mess to clean up," I commented.

"'Tis," Remus mumbled.

I sighed and began moving my arms and legs up and down, hitting Remus in the side in the process.

"Move over, Moony," I said. "I'm trying to make a snow angel."

Remus chuckled and did as I asked, and I made snow angels in the flour. Flour angels. Whatever.

"Does anybody smell something burning?" Peter asked, sniffing the air.

"Only my burning desire for the cake," I said. I gasped a second later. "The cake!"

I got up immediately and Sirius put on oven mitts to take the cake out. We placed it on the table and took the cake out.

"It appears that only the edges are burnt," Remus said, inspecting the cake closely.

"It's okay, we can feed Sirius those bits," I said.

"Why? Because I'm just too hot?" he asked.

"Sure," I said. "If it makes you feel better."

"I could kill you."

"You can try."

"Alright, bet."

"No, no, and no," Remus said.

"Mother hen," Sirius and I both grumbled.

We looked at each other, crossed our arms and poked our tongues out at each other.

"Children," Remus muttered.

"Why do you think we're at school?" Sirius asked.

"I thought it was because–"

"Do not finish that sentence, Y/n," Remus warned. "I don't want to have to bury a body."

"Yeah, L/n. Even Remus thinks I could kill you," Sirius said triumphantly.

"I was actually talking about burying your body," Remus said.

Sirius gasped in outrage while I chuckled.

"Can you all shut up and help us with the icing?" James asked.

"Yes, Mother," I said.

After five minutes of waiting to for the cake to cool down, we decided to use magic to cool it down instead. We then iced the cake and I had to physically restrain Sirius from licking the cake.

James put on the invisibility cloak, and I cast Disillusionment Charms on everyone else, and the cake. We made the trek back to the Gryffindor Tower, with James telling us which way to go while looking at the Marauder's Map. We made it to the tower safely, and I went upstairs to wake up Lily so that she could eat the cake with us.

Once we'd finished the cake, we all lay on the floor for a while, unable to move seeing as we'd eaten so much.

"That. Was. Great," Sirius sighed, massaging his belly.

"Agreed," I muttered, my eyelids beginning to droop.

I thought back to the baking and remembered the way Remus had looked at me. I glanced to where his body lay on the floor beside James, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Had I imagined it? Or had he really been about to kiss me? I knew that I was about to kiss him.

This was something to think about later, I decided. 

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