Chapter 31 | Trampolines and Quaffles

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"This is the best idea ever and you cannot convince me otherwise."

"If we get caught-"

"We won't."

"I am most definitely coming," Sirius said, jumping up off the couch and walking to the door. "Let's go, L/n."

"Wait, I want to come too!" James exclaimed.

"Same here," Remus said.

"Me too," Peter said.

I grinned widely and we rushed down to the Great Hall. There was no one there, seeing as dinner wouldn't start for a few more hours.

"Ready?" I asked.

The Marauders nodded and we began casting spells. After a few minutes, the floor of the Great Hall was no longer stone, but instead it was made from trampolines.

"Let's bounce before the teachers get here," I said, snorting at my pun.

"No, let's actually bounce on the trampolines before we leave," James said.

There was no point in arguing so we all jumped around, leaping over the tables, and occasionally crashing into each other. A few students came to investigate the noises and saw the trampolines.

"Well, now we should bounce," I said.

I grabbed Remus's hand and tugged him out of the Great Hall, the other Marauders following closely behind. We made our way through the castle, until we were stopped by our headmaster. He had his hands behind his back and a twinkle in his eyes.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore," I said politely. "How're you doing this fine evening?"

Dumbledore chuckled.

"I am doing exceptionally well, Miss L/n," he said. "I assume the same could be said for you, seeing as you were all having so much fun in the Great Hall."

Damn. The old man knew.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and my hands brushed up against something. Then I had an idea.

"Perhaps we did," I said. "But if you don't give us detention, I'll give you these."

I pulled three Sherbet Lemons out of my pocket and held them out in front of Dumbledore. He chuckled again.

"Sherbet Lemons are my favourite," he said contemplatively. "Alright. I'll let you go."

I placed the sweets in his hand and smiled widely. Dumbledore waved us on, and we ran around the corner to see McGonagall walking towards us angrily.

"Oh no," Sirius muttered. "D'you think she knows?"

"Trampolines?" McGonagall exclaimed. "In the Great Hall?"

"Oh, she most definitely knows, mate," James said.

"Three students have visited the Hospital Wing due to sprained limbs," she said angrily. "Detention for all of you."

We all groaned but smiled when she left.

"That was one of the best ones we've done," Sirius said happily. "The detention is worth it."

"Agreed," I said.

We all laughed on our way back to the common room, with only happiness to fill our souls.


"Alright, lads and ladies, this is it," James said. "This is the Quidditch Finals."

We'd done really well this year. We'd only lost one match to Slytherin, but to be fair, they had played dirty.

"We've got this in the bag," James continued. "I told Madam Hooch about the way Slytherin played last time, and she promised to keep an eye out. But Slytherin playing dirty hasn't stopped us before. We have an amazing team here, and I'm honoured that I got to play with you all this year."

"We're honoured too, James," I said. "You're a great Chaser."

James smiled at me. The whistle sounded outside, and we all grabbed our brooms and shouldered them. We walked out onto the pitch to cheers and screams. Three quarters of the crowd wore red and gold, while the other quarter wore silver and green.

James walked up to Mulciber and shook his hand. We mounted our broom and Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and we were off.

I shot into the air after the Quaffle, snatching it in my hands and zooming off towards the other side of the pitch. I feinted left and threw at the right hoop. The Quaffle sailed through the hoop and the crowd cheered.

"First goal goes to Gryffindor!" the commentator yelled.

I flew back to the centre of the pitch, following after the Slytherins.

Soon enough, the Slytherin scored their first goal. We continued scoring, and we always stayed two goals ahead of the Slytherins. The crowed cheered for us when we scored and groaned when we didn't.

"And Regulus has spotted the snitch!"

I whipped my gaze around the pitch, trying to find Regulus. He was diving towards the ground, arm outstretched. Marlene was on the other side of the pitch but sped towards him. I saw the glitter of gold, and Regulus's fingers began to brush against it –

Regulus ducked and rolled as a bludger came hurtling at his face. He lost sight of the snitch and glared up at his brother.

"Love you, Reg!" Sirius yelled, his bat hanging from his hand.

Regulus glared at him, but I saw a smile tug at his lips.

The snitch disappeared, and we continued the match.

"That's one-hundred-and-thirty – one-hundred-and-ten to Gryffindor!" the announcer yelled into the microphone. "And it looks like Marlene's spotted the snitch!"

Marlene was racing towards the ground. Regulus was right on her tail and was slowly gaining on her. Her arm was outstretched, and I held my breath...

Her fingers curled around the snitch, and she held her fist in the air triumphantly. The crowd went crazy with people cheering and screaming loudly. I cheered as I landed on the ground, and the team went into a massive group hug.

"We did it!" James yelled. "We bloody did it!"

The cheers of the crowd didn't die down, and I was pulled away from the hug and into Lily's arms.

"You did it!" she yelled. "You guys won!"

I was passed from Lily to Remus, who hugged me tightly.

"You did it!" he yelled, smiling goofily.

I smiled just as brightly as I kissed him.

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