Chapter 12 | Joining The Gang

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I walked down to the Great Hall for lunch. It had been a week since Remus had been discharged from the Hospital Wing, and he was looking and feeling a lot better.

I was about to walk into the Great Hall when a second year Gryffindor stopped me.

"I – I was told to give you this," they said, handing me a note.

Before I could ask who they were, or who had given them the note, they'd run off and disappeared from sight.

I unrolled the parchment and read:


Meet us near the Hufflepuff common room at the painting of the silver fruit bowl.

- Anonymous

I reread the writing once more before sighing.

Who would want to see me? I assumed perhaps the Marauders, but why would they want to meet me near the Hufflepuff common room? And wouldn't they just ask me to meet with them in person, rather than through a suspicious note?

I began the trek to the Hufflepuff common room. I walked down staircases and passed multiple portraits and ghosts before I reached a hallway. I looked at the walls, searching for the silver bowl.

There was a painting of a cat, a painting of a castle, a painting of a weird looking bird...

I looked down the end of the empty hallway. There was no one waiting for me. Was this a prank? I turned around, looking at the other wall. There was a fruit bowl, but it was blue, not silver.

Was the person who wrote the note colour blind, or was there another painting?

This was pointless. I would rather have been eating lunch in the Great Hall.


I jumped and turned around to face Remus.

"Merlin's beard, Remus!" I exclaimed. "You scared the life out of me!"

Remus chuckled and I glared playfully at him. There was a moment of confusion for me. How the hell did Remus get there? The hallway was empty a moment ago.

Remus beckoned me closer and, to my surprise and slight confusion, began tickling a painting of a pear in a silver fruit bowl.

The painting swung open, and Remus led me inside. I looked around to see the kitchens of Hogwarts.

How the hell did he find this place?

I then noticed James, Sirius, and Peter. They were going to prank me again; I just knew it.

"Moony! Grab her before she bolts!" James yelled.

"She's not going to–"

And then I bolted.

I ran for the door before Remus caught me around the waist with ease. Sirius shut the door and Remus let go of me. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at them.

"Touch me and I'll hex you," I warned, backing away.

"We're not going to hurt you," Remus reassured me.

He raised his hands in surrender and the other boys nodded enthusiastically.

"Then why am I here, away from witnesses?" I asked.

They all glanced at each other before smiling at me.

"We want you to become a Marauder," Sirius said.

There was a moment of silence before I snorted.

"Okay, sure," I replied. "Nice joke, guys."

"We're being Sirius," James said.

The Witch and the Werewolf | Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now