Fate played the hand.

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Time had passed faster than anyone would want it to. I was quietly sitting at the table with the kids trying my best to aid them with the work they have been given from school. Slender was cooking dinner but my mind would not stop wandering to issues I have been facing with the Underworld. I can hear the cries worse in the forest my hand kept gripped in my hair as Akuma stumbled into the kitchen, pale.

"Auntie?" Sally asked her as she sat down in the chair, whispering faintly in a strange tongue that only she and I could understand. "Are you ok?"

"I am fine my dear. Just hungry is all. And struggling, she wants out badly." My eyes widened as her words ceased to flow. A pain in my chest and stomach forcing its way to be known. A metallic taste filled my mouth. A slight warmth dripped from our left eye as it appeared on both of our faces. 

"Who does auntie?" Sally replied. "Do I have another Auntie?" 

"No one sweetheart now let's focus on your drawing for art class. Look daddy needs a smile and eyes. He can't have no face." I said to her, stopping more information about our third to be known. But that did not stop the looks from the others sitting around us. My arm rested around my waist holding my stomach.  Offender walked into the room as we both stood up, excusing ourselves. 

The pain in my stomach grew as we felt weak. I felt her tearing at our flesh trying to rip free from such a prison. She burned and yearned to try to rip us apart but there was nothing for her claws to grab. My eyes watered and Akuma grew paler than ever. This was not gone unnoticed by both Sally and Offender when the noise had escaped my mind. 

"Mommy? Auntie? What is going on you are hurting." Sally said in a worried tone as Offender rushed over to Akuma's side. I remained silent before standing up my legs shaking. "Daddy!" 

Slender walked in from the kitchen as gazed at us both as Akuma faded in and out of view. Our stomachs groaned out in agony. Calling the nearest pasta over to watch dinner he walked over to me and Sally. My eyes were squeezed shut from the pain. Our breathing grew as the metallic taste had overflown from my lips and began to spill on the floor a mixture of black and silver. 

His nonexisting eyes grew in worry as our body twitched. "When was the last time you ate? Your stomach is groaning loudly and it is worrying all of us. You ate this morning correct?" He asked.

"That is not the reason we are in pain. I did eat this morning but that's not what she craves. Remember when I told you that they made us mix? Our souls collide and form her.  She wants out to kill and satisfy her cravings."  I replied through gritted teeth.

"What does she desire to eat then? I can prepare anything."

"I will not consume her desires in front of you all. I don't care if you have those here that eat humans. It is much too brutal. Once she smells her desire I have no control over what she will do and who she will harm in her wake."

"Our third is called Shadow Ash. She was what killed every person who dared walked into our room after those god-awful nights. She ate everything. Starting with the heart. we moved rooms a lot, as every time they cleaned they still found parts of the bodies in random places. She has to be released in order for us to remain in control after she eats." Akuma said after a moment of pause. I hated that this was the time to tell them all but we had no choice as I felt myself be lifted up and cradled against Slender's chest. 

"If that is the case we will go now to make sure that no one is harmed in the wake of this third of yours but in the future so we do not have another fight, much like how the other one started, tell me everything that you can before this happens again. I would rather us be on the same page of honesty if this relationship will further develop." He said as he began to make his way into the woods. I felt myself losing control as parts of my body shifted into hers. My fingers grew black and my teeth pointed. My sides ached as I felt another pair of arms try to break free from my sides. I rolled out of his arms and collided with the forest floor.

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