Like my heart, it tics

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Slender's POV

I did not know how to reply to Sally's question as she looked at me with a innocent face and a cute smile. I bided my time to think of a decent way to answer when she had put down her tea cup and picked Sally from my lap and cradled her in her arms. Sally looked on at her mother figure and waited thinking she would answer. Which she did to my little girls question.

"Yes mommies and daddies should love each other. But only when a mommy and daddy are married. Other than that they still care for each other and protect one another. Its a different kind of love. Much like how I love you children. I may not be your real mommy but I am doing my best to love, care and protect you like she would have. I have that sort of love towards you all." She replied. It was really a simple yet complex answer leaving room for more questions but I think she was willing to answer them.

"But do you love Uncle Offender, Splendor and Trender?" Sally asked. She seemed not to take the questions to hard but she seemed rather happy to answer them. Maybe having no one to talk to and no one around you for that long made you long for a conversation. She rested a finger on her chin and made a kinda cute thinking face, her eyebrow cocked to the side with her lips pursed.

"Well. I would love them more if they were not so annoying. I appreciate everything they do and they are like my own brothers. I unlike your father am an only child unless you consider your so to be Auntie Akuma. She still acts like she is a child." She paused as an audible chuckle came to her as Akuma glared at her. "I would love Trender more if he stops trying to measure me in my sleep. Yes I know that you do that. Offender is just the weird brother to love and Splendor is the happy one who if given the chance would hang holly everywhere, But then he would have to kiss everyone he stood by."

"But you didn't answer my question. Why don't you love daddy?" Sally asked with a pout. There was a small amount of grey to her cheeks and that was a different color than normal blush. But then again she was changed greatly at that place. She gently stroked Sally's cheek before replying.

"I do indeed love your father. But love is a strange thing you feel when you get older. Your mind is still joyful and very happy much like your uncle Splendor." Her words struck me. She had some sort of feeling towards me? Was it like my brothers or was it different. I had kissed her twice and I haven't even confessed if there was feeling to be had in the kiss. I had to try it. With this unfamiliar familiar air around the both of us. It also didn't help the matter when she had said that blood rushed my my cheeks slightly which of course Splendor saw.

"Slendy loves you too! Look at his face its turning pink!" Splendor shouted at me. Sally looked over ad crawled back onto my lap to get a closer look. Sally smiled and rested her head against my chest. "Where is it I'm taking revenge!" He yelled out looking for another piece of mistletoe and I tried my best to get up but there was two things in my way.

"Nope you are stay there brother." Trender said holding me back with his tendrils as the pastas watched. my proxies were snickering at the commotion and a simple sound of static shut them up. "Sally help hold daddy down." My little girl had betrayed me as she held my arms in place refusing to let me let go of her. Splendor gave a shout as the pastas started laughing. He had found another piece of mistletoe and placed it over my head.

"Splendorman get that thing away from me now!" I yelled easily being held down by my brothers and even a few of my pastas. "I swear once I get up you all are either grounded or to my brothers dead." I looked around trying to find a way out when I saw she had gotten up and went to the kitchen. I sighed in relief and my brothers frowned. Sally pouted.

"Uncle get mommy back here please." Sally asked. Great they were not going to let this go. I sighed frankly just wanting to get this all over with and start plotting how to kill my brothers after this entire thing is done. Splendor hung the mistletoe over my head and then went off after her in the kitchen as Akuma was shaking her head.

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