As time stops around us.

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Readers' POV

I was running. The trees were nothing but blurrs as I ran from them. The hooves of their creature thundering behind me as a whip cracked and the sound echoed through the trees. As I ran I felt the sting on my back. In my arms was a small bundle of cloth and it was the size of a small child. Was Sally in my arms? The whip cracked and the sting had burned my back as my feet would not stop. I silent cry escaped my lips as I ran with the child in my arms. A lake was sitting in the middle of the trees and I bolted as fast as my tired body would run towards it. A static sound had filled my ears as a ringing sound joined it. At the waters edge I felt it run over my feet as is splashed under me. The bundle of cloth was blown in the breeze and revealed nothing under it. A sickening chuckle was heard from the woods as a sound that had haunted me for my entire life had hit my ears. Guns. Thousands of them. The static and ringing got only worse as I began to clutch my head.

A sword being drawn had joined the duo of noises and a fired shot had echoed through the entire forest. Where were they all coming from? Why did they haunt me? Tears had slipped out of my eyes as the forest around me changed into a room full of grey and white. A single bed was laying in the midst of everything and it had straps on it to keep whoever would rest in it down. I remembered this bed. This is I covered my mouth as I felt the barrel of the rifle behind me. Urging me forward and to lay on it. I didn't move as the scene changed. A single home in the rural area of a small town with white siding and grey shutters smiled at the setting sun unaware of the vehichles outside. More guns cocked and soldiers rushed into the home. Gunshots had filled the neighborhood as a small baby cried out for her father.

Then a soldier had walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders harshly. His face held only a scowl as he began to shake me. It did nothing as I screamed silently as no sound would come from my lips. The static only grew in my ears and it began to hurt. More tears had slipped from eyes and a metalic taste had filled my mouth. No not now. I can't become her. I won't I can't not again! The soldier spoke for the first time shaking me even worse as he yelled. "Wake up!" Which is when my eyes shot open . I greeted by the darkness I forever knew still feeling the tears fall from my face. I saw one more thing before I woke a pair of red eyes glowing from the window of the home I once was in.

My body was still shaking as long thin arms had encircled my waist and rested my head against something warm. A faint sound of a heartbeat told me I was awake. My own heart was pounding in my own chest proving that I was alive still. It was a hard thing to see those night terrors but everytime I woke I had to make sure I was not living in hell and I was alive. It felt like hell everytime. A soft voice spoke as a hand had begun to stoke my head in a calming manner. I sighed once leaning againt the chest I was held up against. Someone was here and that was all I needed. Most nights I would feel around for Akuma's hand to hold like those nights back in  the hell hole. But being held was a better feeling than the simple hand holding.

"Its okay. It was just a nightmare. Your not alone and your okay." I heard Slender say. I guess I must have woken him in my sleeping terror. I averrted my gaze somewhere else and then closed my eyes. His hand never stopped moving over my head and occasionally would get stuck in my white hair if he ran his fingers to deep. I took in everything as my fear had begun to drip from me and drift away.

"I'm sorry for waking you. It was nothing I should have had you deal with." I stated. Truly ashamed that he had to deal with this almost every night but they never had been this bad in the past why now are they hurting me? "They are just my memories not your concern."

"You live in my home and you have saved my daughter's, my pasta's, and my life why should I not be concerned with your well being if you have done much for my family. The children already consider you a part of it and I do as well so while you stay in my family your well being and night terrors are my concern. As well as everything else about you." He said, his voice was hushed sonce the clock was only reading three.

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