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Readers POV

Where am I? Those were the only words I thought of as I looked on at the setting sun. His colors dripping into the mountains and trees had brought warmth into my soul but it did not last as the sky began to grow grey with an overcast. A single drop of rain had hit me in the dark sky. The trees did not really give much protection as the leaves had fallen for autumn had come in these woods. They stood tall no less and I got up off the ground looking up at them trying to see if I could scale on to at least find some town. But that town...They would only put me back there in that hell hole.

So that idea went away as quickly as it had come. Most of my scars must have faded since then right. I wished for a mirror but instead I got a lake and that did the same job. Much to my surprise they did fade enough to only be seen if you were looking for them. I smiled slightly and I knew if I ever had to go into town I could pass as and albino person if needed but I hated the thoughts of heading that way.

I looked around the woods and found a easy to climb tree and grabbed one of its smaller branches. I pulled on it gently and I was surprised at my own body weight it was like I was made of paper. The rest of the climb was easy and then I managed to see two sets of lights in the distance. One looked like a home that was buzzing with life and the other was farther out. More lights that the home and I knew that was town. Smiling I headed back down until I spotted someone walking through the woods. I hid higher up making sure I was out of his sight before moving on.

Finding shelter was what I needed. And at this point I just want something to protect me from the rain. That's all I wanted. I climbed back down the tree and I felt the same crunching stones I had before. I moved on through the woods searching for what seemed like hours and I had not seen anything  living and breathing other than that. I hated that my fear would not let me go down and talk to that person. Maybe they could have lead me to a shelter or gave something to help me. But I can't change the past and it makes me wonder what I was.

I remember static, and falling from that window. Was I just unconscious for those months or even years I was out? Or did I have another accident that caused me to forget. I need shelter, and fast as the rain came down harder. I ran over the slippery stones and tried my best to find a cave or something to spend the night in. And at this point I didn't care what it was. As I ran I could feel something in the woods, calling me, haunting me, hating me. I had to push them out of my head as another voice had spoken up to me. But it was to faint to even hear through the other voices calling. It was very hard to hear. In the distance there was something else and I could make out an old building. I smiled to myself and ran faster. It was wrapped in the trees and it was perfectly hidden. I knew this place would be perfect to stay in. Moving my way through the cracks in the trees I found myself facing two large and elegant doors. I gave them a push and a puff of dust came and greeted me. I made my way inside the building and found an old church. A large sanctuary was hollowed out with piles of pews sitting beside and old stone fire place.

Hymn books littered the ground and even then I could see others rooms added into the building. A flight of stairs lead up to what would be the steeple or bell tower but they did not look safe to even step foot on one. I walked around to the other doors in the open room. One was a kitchen that had old but still working appliances and even pots and pans to cook with. A river was running outside and there was even an old pump inside. I gave the rusty handle a few pumps and I could hear the water coming before clean droplets came from the opening.  I smiled. I moved away and from a room with a spindle and it was littered with curtains and needles. Clothing was going to be needed. I found other rooms filled with things. A restroom with a small tub for bathing. Everything was here oddly. I wonder if the bedroom I found was once for the preacher.

The only thing it did not have a good amount of food, or any. But that could be found later, I needed light more than food. In the dark I felt candles and I searched for pieces of stone to strike together. Using a rolled hymn page I started a small fire and lit the candles wick. Then I moved on until the place gave soft light. I knew this was going to be home for me. Maybe one day I could visit that other home to greet the neighbors I have now. But another time for that. I doubt they would even care to know about the new person in the woods. But it made me wonder. Why would people choose to live this far out in the woods? The quiet, the seclusion. Maybe it was just a hunting cabin or a home of woodsmen. I would find out later for now I needed to get settled. I'll just wait for now. No matter how long that would be.

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