The clock is ticking

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Readers POV

How long has it been since the day we both saw Luna? A few, a week, more? The time just seemed to pass by to quickly to find out. I just know that this had really put a strain on my life and by the looks of it Slender's too. At the moment we both are just laying in bed both awake and thinking. My mind wandering off to ways to stop the riders from coming and killing him and more on socking the white one for the mark he had left on my neck. But even the sounds of an old friend on the wall can't stop our minds from drifting. I would occasionally glance over at him and his stoic face but would say nothing to him. The silence between us could have killed anyone who dared walk into our room at this hour. But I know no one was up. Gently I turned in his arms that were loosely wrapped around my waist and placed my head on his chest, listening to the slow heartbeat he had.

It went slowly. Slower than mine. I listened to the soft thumps like lullaby, making lyrics to the beat he had. One and two before the room began to grow dimmer. I felt good large cold hand rest on my head, tangling his fingers in my loose white hair. Calmly they moved stroking my head as he inhaled a large breath from somewhere. But the rise from his chest told me that he had taken it. In this moment it was like before. Just  calm and peaceful before the time Luna told us about her nephew. That was the only thing I wanted of my mind but it buried deep into my broken mind. Unconsciously I reached up and touched the area I was given the sucker mark from the rider.

"It's gone." Slender said not looking down at me. It was the first few words said in the night. The sucker mark. That's what he was referring to, no doubt he was reading my mind after that. Hearing everything my little mind had to offer on this matter. His fingers still raked through my hair as the light from the moon covered us through the window.

"I can feel that." Was the only thing I could reply to him. It still feels like something was there. A reminder that he was coming. More than that Zalgo person I've heard around here. I could feel the tension slipping as his shoulders relaxed as he gave a sigh. "Only thing is, I can still feel it.." I replied with a saddened sigh. Its guilt that is weighing heavily upon my chest. Though I, myself had done nothing to forward the actions of the rider. His grip tightened slightly on my waist and I felt his hand go still. Though his fingers stayed intertwined within my hair.

"Strange as it is for you too, I'd rather not sure of the matter anymore tonight. This topic had been eating us away down to our bones. And if I had a face it would probably not be the most pleasant at the moment." He said softly as his fingers moved again. Raising my head from his chest I looked at him with a small smile. My left hand had cupped his cheek and I rested my forehead on his. His breath was steady and warm as it hit my face. Though the lingering scent of blood was there it was not repulsive.

"You do have one. I can make out certain features from your muscles that twitch and move under your pale flesh. It's a little puzzle but it's one I would never stop trying to figure out. But you are right about this matter eating us to bits. But I can't seem to get it off my mind. Fearing about what could happen to you, your brothers, or the children." I could only say.

"You should worry about what would happen to you if this comes to the end they want." He said as I moved my head to the crook of his neck. I simply brought my gaze to the hem of his button up white shirt, where three of the buttons had come undone.

"I would willingly go back to that hell hole I once was in before I let anyone bring harm to our family." I said without thinking about my words. Yes I did feel that this family was part of both of us as we both played important parts. Him being the father figure and I being claimed as the mother. Any family, no matter if the blood of innocent people stain their hands, would be better and is better than the one I had once had. Just watching from the window as I was getting tortured they stood. Taking notes and showing her feelings during that time. There was nothing from either of them but a small wince from Mother when the needle had come down into my eye. Father stood still but even his eyes could not hide the smallest amount of remorse for me.

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