Is when your hand connects

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Reader's POV

A few months had passed since Christmas night and things have only gotten better. Before when having a doctor come into my room would mean I was getting in trouble but know when Smiley came in it was just to remove the old stitches.  I have children who love me and I help with many things like homework and just overall play. Training some of the older proxies with my abilities and most of all just having fun doing it with them. Splendor always makes me smile when I am feeling down a bit and Trender has taught me better ways to mend clothing in and in return I let him dress me up. That part didn't bother me as it was one of the few things I loved doing back at that hell hole. My friend would bring in different colored gowns and let me try them on. My room would be covered in the clothes and when Mother or Father entered the room we would quickly hide them. It was one of the few memories that I had that gave me the sense of a normal childhood. Instead of one filled with test tubes, syringes, and surgery. One that left me like a rag doll held together with string.

Offender was there to hold a conversation with if I ever got bored enough and this would often lead us to the garden where I helped him grow his roses that he used. There aroma only worked on those who did not have a true or a strong love for another and since he has Akuma in his life I often see them in the garden untouched but cared for. Of course they are several feet away from m bushes but I only gave them to the girls to make flower crowns with at times.  Then there was my beloved, who gave me as much attention as he possibly could ever give. And it was a quailty that I loved about him. When ever I was upset he would do little things to make me happy and other things as well, be it a small little get away or a walk together in his woods.

Right now it was training time with the proxies and they all stood in their fighting stance ready to come at me. Toby had his hatches sharpened in the morning and he had worn them dull by night fall. Hoodie was standing with his gun conciled in his pocket and Masky stuck close with his knife in his hand. "Mom when is training going to get hard?" Hoodie complained from his spot getting out of his stance and this action caused me to raise my eyebrow at him.

"You wish for training to become harder?" I asked and watched there reactions. Hoodie nodded, Masky agreed and Toby just twitched twitched exictedly. "You are digging very shallow graves then. Would you like me to go easy then?" They shared a confused look as they looked at each other and my smiled turned a small bit sick. There was one thing that no one here but Akuma knew and now the boys would as well.

"N-No! Go h-hard M-Mom!" Toby shouted earning a glare and a horrible crack to come from my direction. Six eyes rested on me as my neck twitsed into a not normal place as I felt the energy that cousres through my veins. The energy I hated with a passion but had spent years trying to control the emotions that flowed within my blood. The warmth that this feeling gave me as the anger from my past came in with the emotions my body begining to contort. The warm feeling under my eye grew as the liquid that I could really no longer call my blood poured like a fresh wound. I watched with hungry eyes as my three sons stared in horror. My hands began to twitch and fade in color as the skin from my ebows to my finger tips grew darker until my hands were black.

"What the hell did you put us in Toby!" I heared one of them yell at my twitching son. My vision blurred like it normally did when I shifted into the nicer form of this being. The color in my eyes dulled and I finally was in the form I desired. Bloodlust showed in my eyes but I never onec moved to kill any of my children. "Mom that is still you right?" I found that it was Masky speaking,

"Yes, indeed it is still me. But with these weapons I think that we will work on endurance before melay don't you agree?" I asked my three sons as they placed their weapons on the ground. I let a small amount of time pass, a few minutes at most when I felt the strange disturbance within the woods. Besides chasing the kids I need to watch my back and theirs. The internal timer I set for myself had rang out in my head as a small smile formed onto my light grey lips. "Ready or not boys. HeRe I cOmE!" I yelled out into the woods making sure to release a sinister time at the end to make them run even more.

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