Missing pieces

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Reader's POV

I looked up at the friend who had not spoken to me in a long time with a curious expression. You had a lover my friend I wish you would have told me about them. I told you many things yet you kept quiet about your lover to me while I sit next to mine. Please I ask you to speak to me friend. I do miss our little talks. Even if I am free from hells grasp and the scars remain from my time there I still miss our conversations. A single tear had fallen from my eyes and a single flick from my lovers tendril made me come back into reality as I leaned closer to his lengthy body. My pain from talking to someone I had never had to talk to for a while seemed to sink in hard. Slender's cold hand stroked my cheek drawing me into his long arms with the love I missed over those twenty years. I could still always feel my fathers arms as I slept at night. There were like bones and were cold like Slender's hands only it felt as if my father had no skin. My father was just bones with hair and eyes. I closed my eyes and I felt the collar of my shirt being moved to show the mark that was made by the white rider. I could feel the rage from my lover even though it would never show on his face.

"I hope this blemish is removed soon. You don't need another persons mark on you. Especially a mark of a rider, the one that tried to kill me and then you. The sooner we get this taken care the sooner we can sleep peacefully. I have to make a call to an old acquaintance do you care to join me my love?" Slender asked as he stood from where he was siting his hand outstretched towards me. I took it gladly letting him pull me to my feet and I felt his hand sneak around until it rested on the small of my back. Looking up at him, I smiled leaning into him. By appearance alone he would scare off everyone in sight by his tall height and thin body. The pale skin and the faceless head that he had not including the pitch black tendrils that sprouted from his back. Ones he had used to rip innocent people apart with he used to hold me close to him. The mouth he ripped open to devour the flesh he ripped apart he used to kiss me.

The thoughts of this would make any other woman tremble in fear about what she had fallen in love with if she had even fallen for him in the first place. How many would just use him as a protector from the murderers I call my family. Would another woman even love him the same and had another loved him at all. His hand remained firm on my back before slowly crawling around my waist pulling me beside him as close as I could get to him. His movements had ceased and I turned to look at him. His face would be of a twisted expression, one that a person would make when a topic was brought up that they did not wish to speak of or about for a long, long time.

"You question our relationship? You question about what a past one would have been like for me before you had saved myself and I yours. Your thoughts are louder when your deep into them. If you wish to know I can tell you all. Back home in my study. I will tell you all you wish to know." His voice wavered and sounded upset. Shifting around I stood in front of him placing my hands on his shoulders as best as I could reach. My left hand traveling to cup his cheek as my eyes studied his featureless face. His muscles were tense and he seemed scared. I softened my own and leaned into his chest listening to his heart beat. The slow and quiet heart that lulled me to sleep at night and loved a broken woman as myself.

"A thought it a thought. I think nothing worse of you for my past is similar to yours. My mouth has had its fair share of flesh that had passed through my lips and the countless gallons of blood that stain my hands are no different than yours. The thoughts that have passed my mind make me wonder more about you. Not that I question our relationship, no person is born the way they are. You were brought into this world as a cute baby so innocent from the world and people will see you born as the killer they know you as. I am not the innocent child I was born as. I will never question you like that. But the small amount of humanity that runs within our blood be it we are any part human or not we can't help but wonder if there was someone else who had loved you in the past." I pulled away from his chest to look back at him. The muscle softened and if he could smile in this moment he surely would be.

Our Forgotten Past (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now