As darkness calls a wicked soul.

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Slender's POV

I sighed relieved that the anger was finally off my chest as I had come down from my anger high. My jaw was torn open and static had dissipated from the room and from my mind. Small droplets of black and silver smile at me from my hardwood floors and many of those drops seemed to frown or took the shape of tears. I stood there in shock and dispair as she was no longer in front of me and I could only see her back as she walked out on me. Tears mixed with her blood flowing from her eyes and then she was gone. She was gone before I could move after her, before my eyes could blink and before my heart could quiver from depression. I sank back in to one of the chairs in my office and rested my head in hands. Why did this feel so heavy upon my chest and why is it bothering me so much. It was just a fight and she would come back. Right? I could apologize for my sudden outburst and everything that I said. Right? Things worked like this I was told by my brother, I just prayed he was right. Because I know one thing in this moment, I royally messed up.

I walked down the stairs and was greeted by a few turned heads and some eating pasta's. Akuma was still here and she did not look the happiest with me and that meant I was on her shit list. I coughed into my fist and made my way past them to the garden and I saw that the few flowers she had planted in the garden were wilting and some had fallen down to the ground, brown and horrible looking. They reeked of death and I sighed , picking one of the wilted flowers in my fingers. "I am sorry." I whispered into the petals thinking that she would have heard me but I knew that was impossible.

Weeks seemed to drag on and I noticed that it had become safer and safer to go outside and hunt as the riders had basically left us alone now that she was gone. That didn't stop me from feeling hurt, she left. It was my fault to. I can't really tell Sally and Lazari without them asking questions or crying so I said she had just gone on a trip. In honesty thats what I wished she was doing and many nights I've gone to bed sleepless since she was gone. I've done so for centuries and now I can't? How does that affect me after these years. My brothers had loves and they have never lasted before and they never had been this distraught. The clouds rolled over the mansion and I sat outside by the dying bush again as the rain poured down on my bald head. I barely even cared now. I didn't hunt and I didn't play my game and so many people have gotten away and I've haven't the time to replace the notes.

"You're pitiful right now." A sour voice said. Looking up I found that it was someone I've never seen before. His face was covered by a dark mask as his piercing blue eyes stared at me. His skin was dark and so was his hair. The only color he had was his eyes as his clothes were all dark as well. "Not how my mistress said you would be when she sent me here to give you some information about your sticky situation with the girl from the facility. I take it a fight had gotten out of hand, some words were said and she left you to wallow in your own self pity about what you had sai and instead of thinking of ways to find her and apologize you let your emotions take over and consume you in your sadness. You let that sadness take up your time where you don't hunt and you've become even more slender than your name makes you out to be and your family needs you but you are so gone in your mind that you can't even care for yourself let alone your children. Am I right?"

I looked up at the figure studying and trying to suppress the words he had said to me. They were true. I had begun to let my brothers down as well as my daughters. My proxies and the pasta's. But I felt more than just sadness growing over me as anger from the strangers words. I stood up as the rain poured over me more and stared the stranger down. They only smiled. "Who are you to tell me what to do with my life and my love life? Who are you to stand here and have the audacity to mock me for a mistake I made?"

The being smiled wider and looked up at my being. "The names London Shades. I am a shadow of the Underworld. Meaning I am a being that never died yet am not alive. I am not undead either. I am mearly a Shadow of my former self. I faded due to issues in my past." London said with a smile as if he enjoyed telling the story to other people. "Now if you don't mind not being a sad sack and go run your tall being into the woods and find your lady that would be all the better as you won't be a miserable sack of flesh sitting here waiting to get sick." He turned his back to me and promptly walked into my mansion as if he were the one who owned the place. Maybe he was right. After he had disappeared from sight so did I.

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