Noon plays it's games.

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Readers POV

I had left the residence property after receiving Slender's thank you. There was still a bit of color to my cheeks as I walked back in the quiet woods. The only sound I could hear was the twigs and stones beneath my feet. It was calming to think about. The simple sounds that this world had bring, something other than pain to others I guess. The lake I woke next to was shimmering with the dawn light and I decided to rest my head next to a tree and just watch the lovely flowers at the waters edge blow in the wind. The petals that rested near me felt so soft under my gloved hands. The sky grew from yellow to blue as the sun rose from his slumber over the tree tops.

I felt my body start to tingle as the skin on my right arm faded to a light creamy color. She was finally waking up after that light. I smiled with pure happiness as she rested her head against my shoulder tired. I felt the tension leave my body in waves. It finally felt like I was back to normal, sort of. Her lead hari spilled out over my arm and she slept separated from me. I smiled reminded of the time she first let me do this to her and then continued for months afterwards. I needed her and now she needs me, so much more than I ever did. She was so light in my arms when I lifted her up. Probably due to her having no body to carry. Don't worry dear sister of mine, I will be here until the day we can separate from this body of mine.

Three weeks had passed since I delivered the family back to there home, and to my surprise they were the neighbors I had found that many months ago and it didn't seem to bug me for a visit. I had met a few and that was good enough for me. Akuma had been regaining her strength and helping out around though she can't talk much she still tries her hardest. She was currently resting in my body taking what she could off of me and what I could give her. She needed to have this done. The church had now grown quiet and it was odd, the smell of the family lingered within the walls. On the sheets even through I had cleaned them and I could not get over the familiarity of the smell. Some was blood, some was old dust and paper. Flowers was another scent that lingered in the walls.

I could not seem to remove it. No matter how hard I tried. It brought an odd comfort and I often found myself sleeping on the same side of the bed he did. Noon had rolled around when I felt a stinging on the back of my hand under my glove. A flower had been decapitated and I was going to hell before I break a promise with my flowers. I grabbed my cloak and clasped the clasp, making my way out into the woods. The familiar crunch of the leaves and twigs filled my ears like a lullaby all to familiar to forget. But it was louder and more frequent than the steps I was taking.

I stopped and the noises continued. Followed by the sounds of growling and ragged breaths. There was something else though, faintly I could hear, Tears? Someone was crying? A child maybe? Wait, a crying child, in these woods with these creatures. This was not going to end well. I walked on trying to find the source of the tears and then I could see a small pink outfit with emerald eyes. Sally!? She was running not really looking where she was going with tears streaming down her face. She was looking for something it was clear but for what I have no clue. Until the dreadful sound of metal scraping metal was heard and the white rider was off to my side in the trees. Aiming an arrow at her. The red rider was brandishing his sword as the black rider was pulling her whip.

Sally was oblivious to the coming danger that she was soon to be facing. The white rider released his arrow and I sprung forward to her as she spotted me. "There you are!" She managed to say before I wrapped my arms around her as the arrow sank into my back. I grunted as it did and hunched over her, as another imbedded into my flesh. A chuckle was heard from one of them as I stood up in pain still hiding Sally away. A large crack was heard as the whip of the black rider cracked down on my back. With that I started to run. The sound of the creatures that ran close behind me and Sally only grew louder as my panting breath did. Sally was still in tears as I ran.

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