As night draws near

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Months later

Reader's POV

It has been a few months since I had stumbled upon this church in the woods now, using it as a home instead of a temporary residence. The rain had passed since then and had come again and again, as had snow. I had changed this place so much but I tried to keep it the same as always. A few wooden dressers for the clothes I would make and I had some small baskets to collect berries I would find out and about when the weather grew chilly and a fire was necessary to keep the chill away. A few brightly colored fruits I could recognize as safe littered the baskets and made the dim church a bright with color. Outside I had started to grow a few things I knew I would need, as well as strangely colored roses which had some sort of meaning to me.

There were only three colors that really the stood out to me. White which was a normal color for a rose, but the other two were just strange. I had heard that could be grown naturally but I don't believe that they are, but the color was a midnight black. But the third one peeked my interest as the strangest. There were a light grey that faded darker in the middle. This was the one to shock me the most. Why did I have a strange connection to these flowers and even then how did they even grow. I ignored them when they first appeared in my garden and focused on the plants I could eat, It was nice to actually be able to eat.

But besides my life growing here in these woods I had begun to notice there was something off about this place. I would find random body parts scattered in places along with trails of blood. A few times I would find a wallet filled with money and the body was in a form that no one could tell who it once was. I pitied these poor people. I knew what it was like to see death coming your way but unlike me he never came. These poor people just were killed for no reason, innocent blood spilled. But  part of me resented man for what they had done to me. They just were greedy swine. I would sometimes chuckle at the certain few corpses that lingered the floor but when I would see the remains of a child my heart wept slightly. Children have hard lives I know that well but they should never be killed so young.

Killed was an understatement, eaten was a better word. But what sort of creature would feed off of the children. It was the same with a few corpses I saw, torn with bites taken out of certain parts of their flesh. But their hands usually contained papers. Some were covered in words, or drawings with eerie messages. "He's watching." or "Don't look" usually are what they said.  I kept myself amused some days trying to figure out what they once were. They were like puzzles puting each piece around back into body. It was a gore filled photo really. Was there a creature in these woods other than me. Did it have to do with the other household that I saw those many months ago? Maybe now was the time to visit them. Maybe.

Slender's POV

I began to notice a strange feeling whenever I entered a part of the woods I never usually did. An over hanging emotion. The mind of the feeler was unclear and often clouded with something that I could not read. That is were I am now. Out with Jeff and Sally. Sally was starting to learn how to control her ghost abilities where as Jeff was noticing something about the corpses in the woods. He often said how they were moved, pieced back together, the letter they had piled into neat stacks next to the pieced remains. Like this was just another thing this person could do. It did not really make any sense to me. So we were begining to search for anything that may have done this.

Jeff walked a bit to my left, while Sally had taken my open hand as her other one was filled with more drawings to put on the trees. It must have been her favorite part about coming into the woods with me. I didn't do it often but it was a calm evening and maybe a few more pages would be nice out in the woods. It was like a fresh change, no one wants to look at the same sort of image twice. She would hand one to me and I would stop ever so many feet away and look for a easy yet hard spot places to find the note.

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