The woman in the moon

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Slender's POV

Luna Enildaed. She was the acquaintance I had spoken about to her. It was a small strange occurrence that made me meet her. The spirit was simply sitting down in the lake while I was chatting one of my victims who had just received the seventh page. She just say there on the water as still as glass and not a ripple was made when she stood up and walked on the smooth surface over to me. Her gaze was curious and wonder struck to finally see the monster of these woods face to face. Her silver hair reflected the light she has emitted onto the forest.

"Curious. The monster of destruction is at it once more for a feed. Have you never ingested a mortal meal? Much more filling than mortal flesh. And would probably taste better as well." She told me much like my own mother would speak to me. Something that always bothered me about spirits like her. They lived here longer than I have be alive and even longer with my brothers ages combined with my own. She looked different than any other spirit that I've read about, but that was mainly for entertainment on boring evenings. She looked at me like I was her child and I hated that. But turning around to face her was not the best option as there was a dark aura around her as she spoke. But that was from the creature in the back. Behind her in my woods was a pale horse and a strange cloaked covered rider with bright violet eyes that could be seen from any distance.  Watching the woman as she walked on the water. Uncertainty had washed over me seeing the creature as more like him as had appeared next to him each on their own colored horse.

"I don't understad your speaking ma'am but I think you should worry about the creatures behind you watching from the distance before you try and baby me like my mother." I said turning away putting up a note by the lake side. Her gaze had shifted to the beings behind her and a faint silvery tint had shown to her cheeks as her gaze met the violet eyes of the rider. The rest of that memory was a blur.

Now the same woman stands in front of me with a strong expression as nothing had changed in the past. Her silver eyes stayed locked onto my beloved and I felt her hand tighten around mine. Probably from fear or some recognition. I did have to admit that the two looked like each other but it was color that set them aside. Luna was pale can be but till tanner than me. Her hair was wavy and silver and she only wore white. Luna broke the silence again while breaking the attention from her. "She is very pretty and kind I see. I still remember the small stories you woiuld make up and tell me as you starred out your little window at night. Telling me about your day and every new thing your mother and father got you up until you went silent as fifteen. I take it the look you are giving me is shock as you stare dear. You have grown to look like your mother greatly as well as taken aspects from your father."

I could cut the uncomfort she was giving off as Luna spoke. I gave her hand a squeeze and let her remember that I was here, "Luna thats not why we are here. You know these riders out here, I know you do. Who are they?" Luna smiled as she looked out into the woods.

"Why my niece and nephews. Nathraichean, Autherwulf, and Delilah. They have been wondering close around here for a while but it surprises me why. I can tell Nathraichean hates you though Slender. Autherwulf follows his lead and Delilah follows her soulmate. That explains why they all are here." Luna said with no form of empathy or any emotion but general information. "They want to kill you."

Reader's POV

"W-What!?" my voice cracked as I spoke. "Why? What has he done to anger them? And which rider is which I want to give the one who gave me the sucker mark on my neck a kick in to where the sun never shines." Anger was now dripping into my words.  The memory and mark still holding the surface of my anger as the simple smile from Luna did not help much.

"Calm yourself my dear this is quite a turn from the little girl who was always softspoken when she spoke to me. " Her words of my past did not help any matter at all and this would be a horrible time to let my nager grow over me. I took a small breath and went quiet.

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