The silver overtook the black

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No one's POV

At that moment when she slipped from the chains, she held herself in there was no telling what would come from the girl now. The blood running through her veins bubbled with mixed emotions and fear. The silver started to fade and black began to run forward. The girls stood there, a different person in the shell of her body. The eyes of the being turned to the ground and the face of the girl was hidden by the strings of white hair. The band snapped and her hair rose and swayed. The arrow was released from Nathraicheans bow. The sound of the air screaming as it was cut was then silenced by the girl's hand.

The wooden rod shattered and the iron head fell to the ground with a clank. The family she had created, loved, and protected was in danger, and the feeling she wanted to forget came back with a vengeance. This was her choice to use it now. There was no longer order, just hatred to the one harming her family. Inside the void, there was a light that her soul remained near. Unable to aid her body. It was cold, dark, and suffocating. Her children fled, her lover pulled back as the girl faced her foe. Nathraichean's bow drew again and as he fired the arrow shattered before coming near her.

The girl's face finally rose up and looked at the man in front of her. Pure white and glowing eyes faced the sunken empty sockets of the man. A sickening grin rose on her face, as she faced Nathraicheans bow. Another arrow was drawn and fired at the girl. A tendril was shot out of the back of the girl and grabbed the bow in her hand. The bow's metal began to bend in the girl's hand. Nathraichean gasped on as the bow he had summoned and knew all too well was crushed by the woman he would hope to be wed to. Another set of eyes opened on the cheeks of the girl, they two glowed but the color was a green kind. Her weapon summoned into her hand grew in size. Thorns wrapped the handle as the blade was no longer smooth. Instead, the blade was filled with sharp curves to hook into his skin.

Nathraichean backed away from the girl in fear. Her grin widened as an orb fell from his pocket into his hand. Nathraichean looked on into her memories that the orb contained and crushed it in his palm. The ghosts of her memories surrounded her. Distracting her from the rider in fear. Her children ran around her as she watched her love them, hate others, and shed blood in front of them. Her past dreams came back and she looked down at her hands. The pitch covered claws that grew from her fingers and covered her arms. The chains that grew around her seemed to fall.

"You got your memories back, happy?" The rider spat at her, in an instant her hand connected with his throat. The glow in her eyes grew and her chains swarmed him. Her face was inches from his. A grin plastered onto her face that was now driven mad.

"You seemed to forget that you may have given her back her memories that is doesn't mean shit to me. Or did you think that she was still in here somewhere? She is but not in control." The girl said to him. "I am not the reaper, I am not the demon. I am no saint nor am I human. The mixture of hatred and pain. My name is Shadow Ash and I won't let you take her."

Shadow Ash lept over the rider and stood before him with her owner's scythe. The once violet gems laid into its blade turned black as the chains swirled around the being. She was never this violent. But he had hurt whom she loved dearly. She has never loved anything so dearly than her brothers. Shadow Ash closed her eyes and shifted away from Nathraichean. The frightened being oblivious to the four figures behind him.  

"Her father stands behind you, your father stands behind you. The others stand there watching you wither in fear at what man has done. I was never meant to exist yet here I am able to strike fear into your heart.  Chasing a woman who will never love you and a family you dreamt of and a lie you believed."  Shadow Ash said to Nathraichean. Her eyes brimming with blood and tear, more and more of the silver in her shined against the black.  "This is her blood that spills from her eyes. You wish to invoke the dreams of a selfish man on a broken doll.  These tears are not mine but hers. For she knows my hands will not be the one to end you but her own. I would have been quick but she has something better planned. " And Shadow Ash fell from her power as the body of the three slumped to the ground with a thud. 

Readers POV

The void was cold as it normally was but when rushing white lights twinkled like stars it made you feel warm. A chain of thorns connected me to Akuma as she floated with me. Shadow Ash was in control but the chain was pulled tight. dragging us away from the void as the lights rushed like shooting stars below us. Akuma looked towards me as the figure of Shadow Ash fell through the chain and severed it from us both. 

The ground was cold and the world around me had not changed other than the number of people that had gathered around us. My head was heavy and in the group I was lifted by Chronus and helped to my feet. Nathraichean was fuming at the mockery he was enduring from the black and red rider. His hollow eyes shifted to my now standing form back to my own self and body and rushed. His scowl was wicked and his rage was pure as he came within steps of me.  My hands and eyes glowed white as he approached. 

I was made to be a weapon. I am that weapon. I will use what man had given me. I will fulfill what man wanted and what he had created. He crept within my grasp and tackled my form to the ground. With one kick to the ground, I rested on top of his chest one hand wrapped around his throat the other holding his head still. He struggled beneath my form as orbs fled from his empty eyes. They flew not into a ball beside me but within my body. His screaming and thrashing slowed as he fell into the darkness.  

The final orb flew into my body as I stood and watched as the blinding light dwindled into my true colors. The children were surrounding me as the brothers and my beloved stood shocked. A pair of small hands grasped at my leggings and tugged. Lazari's red eyes showed up at me.

"Mommy?" she asked in a small tone. I bent down to face her as the stains from my eyes never left even though the blood had stopped. "are you, mommy or scary auntie?" 

"I am your mommy."  my voice rasped out still strained from the orbs. 

"what did you do to him?" she asked.

"A man who remembers nothing does no harm, but a man who knows will act. Like he did with you I took his memories away from him. He won't know us anymore. We don't have to worry about him now." I pushed the strands of hair that fell to her eyes away. 

"Mom can I still hit him?" Jeffery asked as he had his knife drawn. A white tendril lifted him off the ground as Trender just shook his head. 

"He may not remember who we are but he sure will be able to beat the crap out of you. He almost bested her and she had no training into their combat I would rather you not be battered tonight." 

"If you keep telling what to you I might as well call you slender." Jeffery retorted to the fashion designer. I chuckled to myself as a gloved hand rested on my shoulder. Looking back over my shoulder Papa was smiling. 

"Even if I did not raise you, you still fight as I do. Outwit the opponent and let them crumble under their own pride. I am sure your mother would have been proud." Papa said as his cloak wrapped around me as did his arms. The gesture was returned, for being death, he was warm. Most would think he was cold. A glimmer shined from the lakes edge as the waters moved and splashed against our legs. "She is happy and proud" Papa smiled out looking up at the sky, Mama shined out.

"Does this mean that its over?" Splendor asked in the confusion. I looked at my brother and smiled. 

"I hope so my brother I do hope." 

"Yay! Daddy can I be a flower girl?" Sally asked. In the confusion and the rage I forgot about the ring on my finger. Guess I have a wedding to plan.

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