Till Twilight Comes

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Reader's POV

I walked the halls of the home looking for Slender and wondering where in the world he had gone off to. It was late and even if he was older than me I still say it was a late time for him to be awake. Twilight had come upon the mansion here and It was rowing colder as winter came closer to the woods. I knocked on the office doors and waited for him to answer. His voice made a small noise form the other side of the doors and I pushed them open gently, they groaned as I did. Upon first glance his office was clean and neat. A large array of books lined the walls on shelves and a few chairs sat in front of his desk. His desk on the other hand was littered with papers and a few pens. They were either stacked into uneven piles or in neatly placed folders stacked onto a corner. He stay down with his head in one hand and a pen in the other not bothering to look up before he spoke.

"Sally, I will there to tuck you in. Just give me a few minutes. I know I already said that a few minutes ago but this paper just needs signed and put away. I'll be there just go pick a book you want to be read." I gave a soft giggle which drew his attention from the papers.  "Well your not Sally, and I doubt you need a book read to you at night."

"Says the one who promises his own daughter that he will come after a few moments and never does." I replied. Slender did not look thrilled nor even unamused by my comment. He motioned for me take a seat at one one of the seats in front of his desk which I did. "Are you even breathing drowning in all that paper work? What in Death's name are you doing it for?"

"I have to keep tabs on every kill and every mission to come for my pastas. If I don't would just kill all whilly nilly." I covered my mouth to hide the smile and small laughter coming from me. He raised an eyebrow muscle like he was raising an eyebrow. "Something funny?"

"Never once would I imagine you would say a phrase like whilly nilly. You have such a gentlemen like attitude it seemed like you would say something other than whily nilly. I expected more of killing people left and right. It seemed like a very Splendor like phrase to say really." I answered. Slender gave a chuckle of his own before looking up at me with a fixed attention.

"And what else did you expect really? That I just do my work on a computer? I've tried that once but then BEN had found out and pulled pranks left and right on me. Paper is a easier way to keep documents. And as for my vocabulary I have an extended one and even then it seems fine to use phrases like I have. Who are you to judge the way I talk?"

"Never once did I say I was judging those words never once left my lips as these ones don't either. But it was simply one of my own mind that I had a simple thought and nothing more than that. You have answered my question about the paperwork and I think the I should let you have a questioned answered by me. Seems fair enough really."

"You seem like your asking to play twenty questions. " He said putting his pen down and standing from his seat. He moved over to another chair and faced me directly.  "So shall we play my dear?" I gave a simple yet curt nod to him as he started off the game. "Your night terrors. How long have you had them."

"Ever since I could remember. They changed throughout the years as people did more and more to break me. Or what they wanted to do to break me. Now the second question to you. How long have you done this?"

"For at least a few hundred years.  I can't tell you the exact date I started." This game of ours continued until twilight had turned to midnight. It was his final question for me after finding out what basic information about him and myself. Mostly the favorite color of one another and favorite drinks and food. "Do you feel odd around us?" He asked as his final question.

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