But the darkness calls me still

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Readers POV

I awoke to the arms of my warm lover holding me still as he continued to sleep away. The sunlight poured in on my face that I had to use a tendril to close it. Wait a tendril? I shouldn't have them. Then...how did I have them? This question crossed my mind and made me wonder what the hell was going on in the world. Then behind me came a stirring and then the tendril disappeared back inside my body. A grunt was heard from the other side of me and I smiled softly as a blank expression faced me. His usually cold hands were warm on my face as he yawned as looked at the window. Once the feeling of the morning had hit him he groaned. Proceeding to roll over and face away from the window and cover up his head with the pillow.

Seems my love is not a morning person at all. I smiled softly and placed a hand on the pillow before gently pulling it away from his head. He groaned again and buried his face in the bed. I kinda expected this from Splendor but not him. I got up out of bed and then pulled the covers off him and smiled. "My love you can't waste the day away in bed. No matter how hard you may try. You know the girls would wake you before I."  I said calmly as he raised his head to look at me. "Now up, up. Before I let the girls in."  I walked away as the bed shook as he sat up. I was in the process of dressing when his cold hands hit my sides causing me to shudder. 

"Well, maybe you should not blame me for wanting to cuddle with my lover longer after the last few weeks we had. You weren't there in my bed for the longest time and it was very cold. You don't have much body heat but it's enough to be comforting. " He said placing a kiss atop my head

"Maybe if your morning mood was a bit more pleasant I would have let you but."  I trailed off as the door was opened and in ran Lazari and Sally. They jumped on the bed attempting to wake their father but pouted that they landed on the covers and not him. I heard a chuckle as I finished getting dressed. Sally popped her head up at the sound of his laughter and ran and hugged her father's leg. Whereas Lazari found me first. 

"Mummy!" She cried as she ran off the large bed and tried to strangle my leg in her strong grip. I leaned down and kissed her head as Sally released her father. Her emerald eyes shined brightly at me. 

"Don't forget me, Mummy! I am here too!" Her whine was expressed with a pout. I kissed her head and comically waddled down the stairs as they refused to let my legs go. 

"Don't go back to bed, I need help with breakfast love,"  I called up the stairs and I was met with silence. He better not have. Sally popped up and got an idea.

"Daddy! Daddy! EJ will dye your apron purple this time instead of pink!" She yelled up the stairs. The sound of that made me think. Had EJ dyed his apron a different color in the past? And how does that seem fitting? I walked up the stairs and then opened our shared door. I was met with a bare white back and a pair of blue boxers. Grey tints rushed to my face as I could not move and just stared at his back. I watched him turn around and a red blush creeps upon his face. I rushed towards the door and slammed it behind me, yelled an apology as I rushed down the steps. Sally watched me as I ran down the stairs and smiled. 

"Perhaps I should knock before I enter a shared room."  I breathed. Offender was on the couch chuckling and spoke out, with Akuma on his lap.

"My brother was changing was he not?" He said with his sharp-toothed. I could hardly withhold the grey blush that returned to my face. Akuma giggled quietly to herself before speaking to me yet again through the shared connection that we had. 

"How much longer are you going to stand there and not be happy that you say a half-naked hot guy in your opinion?  He's your lover is he not? By now you should have had some skin on skin action but then again it's you so I doubt that will be happening soon. "  Her voice was the same as always but it held a more laughable tone to it other than the others I had heard from her. I could never make that type of tone with her and if I even tried it would not sound the same. I replied with a dead stare to her as my lover walked down the stairs without my knowledge even shifting to him.

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