Evening gives way

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Jeff POV

She was brought in this home and now she gets to stay the entire time she was hurt? What is with this girl though I feel as if I had seen her before from somewhere but could not put a finger on it. It was an odd feeling as I sat on the couch thinking which was something I never had done so open but with this, being open didn't matter. BEN still sat and played his games while Slendy talked to her but then I watched him leave with Sally from the room assuming he was putting her to bed. Splendor was the first one to notice the strange behavior from me and frankly he would be the only one to care enough to ask.

"Jeffery boy! Why are you frowning? Something is troubling you yes?" He asked in his happy as usual tone. He sat across from me in a chair and stared at me with his cupped eyes and his never fading smile. It was actually nice to speak to a slender with a face even if this one did in fact make me want to kill him when christmas came around and he hung mistletoe every where but it did end up back firing on him when he and smile dog sat under a piece.

"Its that girl here now. She seems to kind for her own good and it will get her killed here if Slendy lets her stay. And what makes it worse is I think I have seen her somewhere before. But I don't know where!" I said stabbing my knife in one of my previously made marks on the coffee table. The sound made BEN leave the room and go into the TV to sleep since the night had come upon us.

"Well why don't you ask her if she feels the same way about you when she is awake. Brother told no one to enter the room while she sleeps. And by the look of things someone had done something because there was a bit of color on his face when he left the room!" He said with enough glee to make a fangirl cringe. Taking a moment to adjust his tie he stood up and walked off to the room she was in maybe just to check up on her condition. She was losing a lot of blood when she was carried in.

Or if the strange as fuck liquid you saw was her blood. It was like ink with silver ink mixed in and that could never fully incorporate into the black ink. It looked thick enough to actually write with. Though I wonder if she actually did write with it. I walked to my room and plopped down on my bed when a single piece of paper flew out from under my bed. On the paper was a nicely written note but with the sun faded crinkled paper it was on the words were not really readable.

Maybe she had given me the letter? If that was the case where did we meet and what was I to her? If she wrote me a note considering her age difference to mine I say it was not a love note. I sighed and decided to just sleep off the thoughts and maybe take the happy mans advice and talk to her in the morning. If she was still there.

Readers POV

It had been a few hours and I could tell that it was still night when Luna looked through my windows. Her light covering the floor. I looked around to see the empty room and the chair pulled up next to my bed and a leg. Wait a leg? There was someone sitting in the chair next to me and it was a someone tall. I sat up feeling a slight bit of pain in my back as I did so, earning a hiss from me. The figure jumped at my noise and started to help me in anyway they could. Putting pillows behind my back and making sure I was comfy. Odd.

"I am sorry if I startled you my dear!" A happy male voice rang in my ears. The light was turned on and I got to see this figure more clearly. He was tall and pale like Slender only he had eyes and a smile. His outfit was colorful and he wore a top hat. His appearance brought a smile to my lips as it would to any other that saw it. I think he must have seen the small smile tug my lips for he hopped up in glee."Oh your smiling your smiling!" He yelled in my room. There was a noise stirring on the other side of my wall and the being went quiet.

"You are a brother of his I am guessing?"I asked the tall happy figure and he gave me a vigorous nodding head. The smile on my face only grew. "I know its against what the nurse said but would you mind helping me stand. I can heal faster than normal beings and I want to help the other side of me get back on her bearings. Oh and please. Call me what you want. I have no name to call myself so it will be easy if you just call me what you wish."

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