Followed by his static

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The cries in the woods grew louder as the weeks had gone on but that did not stop the family from being happy. I walked through the garden taking care of the flowers and the veggies that the girls wanted to grow when I could hear the harsh breathes from the horses that the four rode. It could be my father but there was the chance that he was unable to seal the promise to keep the other children out of the woods. The others like me. A soft crunching noise overtook the breathing as I turned to the garden door. Slender's footsteps crunching the autumn leaves beneath his shiny black dress shoes. I stood up to greet him when the breathing grew louder. He didn't stop coming closer though. Was the only one to hear them. 

"My dear what are you doing it out here? It's getting colder the flowers will wither after the first frost coming soon. You're not wearing your cloak either. You will get sick from the chill." He said placing his jacket over my shoulder. I looked up to see him not wearing his normal white button-up but instead a grey sweater, but his red silk tie had changed to a black one to match better. His hand extended down to reach me and I took it in mine as he helped me stand. 

"My roses won't wither but I think the girls will be pretty upset finding that the carrots that have only grown to an inch had been killed in the frost. And I have been checking how they have been growing for the past few days. I planned on taking them inside to aid them as they grow through the winter. They planted them far too late."  I replied calmly, grabbing a pot in one of the three tendrils I now had grown from my back. Unlike his which were either thick or thin as he desired, mine seemed to stay the width of a rose bush stem and they had small thorns to match. I began to carry them inside before a slight whine was heard from the woods. 

Slender was still not affected by the sound so it must have been just me. A chill began to stir from the forest and the wind picked up as a rush of shades had emerged from the woods. Running from something that seemed to be chasing them this way. A familiar sound rang in my ears as something flew past my cheek, grazing it slightly. 

The wind's cold effect burned the area as my blood began to seep from the new wound. The arrow had made a thud as it embedded itself into the side of the mansion. Drawing a few of the children out to see the rushing wave of shades swarming us from all around. A white horse had emerged from the shadows and the rider upon his back glared with rage. He lept from his creature and stared at us. The hollow eyes of Nathraichean sank as they gazed on.

"Get inside children. This man is not to be trusted." I said to the ones that had made their way outside. Another arrow had flown past my head and that was followed, but it was quickly grabbed in my tendrils. Nathraichean's face fell as the appendage was shown to him. The other two had joined behind me and I felt a pull in my back as a fourth had grown. 

"I should not be trusted you say? Then should all of us children be untrustworthy? You never told your 'children' that you were like me, did you? How unfortunate that these tormented innocent kids have to have a creature like me as their mother. I heard you mention that before. You hate the innocent to be hurt, for you have seen it too many times. By innocent do you mean the mortals who have done those things to you? Or the ones that were slain by you?" He said walking closer, my blood began to boil but froze at the same time. 

He drew again and this time he aimed not for me but for the kids that remained behind me. "How many of you have seen your so-called mother kill? Who has seen it besides the freak who stole her from me? I have seen it and you dare have that switch be flipped on you? How easily she could break you? Do you risk it?"

"I would not hurt my children like you plan to. I may be a monster but that doesn't mean that the children need to see what I am. I am no longer a child of pure blood like you as demonic blood run in my veins like venom. My heart is not my own but shared which is twice the amount of you who have none. My blood is colored like my mind. Dark with swirls of happiness. My dark related to my father, my only duty is to take away, place, and forget. My silver is of my mother. Life to give back and care for those who get nothing. I didn't grow like you. I grew in a home with no love, I was used, broken, ruined. I don't want anyone to go through what I did! My children are broken, misused as I was! I will not have them be treated as such anymore. I don't know what I am capable of but I would not like to find out in front of them." Something grew over me and my legs felt light. I felt like I was floating, but something was touching the ground. 

"And I suppose your beloved feels the same instead of using the children as his own little army to do his dirty work for him. Only killing to feed himself which I am sure you have seen." Something was growing behind him. Black wings, like that of a bat. His eyes began to glow as a single red iris showed within the empty sockets. Slender moved to stand between us as I felt the same sort of feeling start to grow from my back. They weren't easy to get out since the feeling of blood ran down my back and sharp pain ran through my spine. His jacket fell from my shoulders and the kids behind me gasped at my soaked back. The smell made Nathraicheans beast go wild and buck his hips and race around the mansion. I watched the beast as it ran. There was another one in the woods. 

"I want you to leave. You have no quarrel with us and we will not have one with you. His static surrounded us when the second beast sprang forth from the woods. It was pale, greyer like me. Its eyes were that of a ruby as it stood in front of the white beast standing between us and the beast. It gave off a cry similar to the white one. They watched each other with hatred and mission. The white to protect and aid its master but the pale was a mystery to me. I gripped the side of my head as the beast began to whisper. A language that was familiar but still unknown to me. Its head rested near mine as the voices grew. 

"Command me" was all the voice said. I assumed it was the beasts as the children looked on in worry as my mind worked against me. I looked into the ruby eyes and felt a wire connect me to the beast. 

"Aid me" I whispered to the beast as the final band snapped in my back. A silver set of wings ripped from my back. London walked forward and stepped beside Slender as they stood between both beasts. Slender looked at the shade as a sword appeared in his hand and a crest was shown on his neck. It looked familiar. 

"Soldier of the deadline. I wondered where you went off to." Nathraichean scoffed at the weapon the shade had chosen. 

"I protect those I serve. My master. His wife. And his daughter, my mistress. If her beast has appeared to aid her then so will I." London stood strong and held the weapon towards Natchraicheans beast. 

"Go play Nevermore.  Forget your sibling. Go after the shade." Nathraichean spoke to his beast. The white creature raced on towards London. My beast followed his. 

"If we ever can get this man to leave us so we can finally wed, my dear. I am talking you far away for a month to escape these headaches." I heard slender mumble to me.

"We will my love. We will. Tonight this will end. I promise." With the beasts fighting the poor shadow, Nathriachean leaped into the air drawing his bow as his wings kept him up. Aimed right at slender's chest I felt the wings behind me flap once and my weapon rest in my hand. He wanted war. He will receive it tonight. Mother will be my witness and father my judge. Innocent won't be hurt tonight. Not while I standstill. I broke the vow I made the night I was brought here. In silence, I remember it. 'While I stand in this house, cared for by its residence I will not use the powers stolen and placed on my shoulders, I will forget what the past has done and look to the future as I should. If I should break the vow to myself I will curse myself and those who hurt them. If I should kill them I will kill myself the same way I had them.' The darkness encircled my mind and the blood dripped from my eyes, my smile, mixed with my tears. I looked to my children and Slender.

"I love you," I said with no pain. Nathraicheans arrow was released and headed straight towards its target. I was gone at that moment. I fell from the ground I made into the void they created. I just hope I will wake up. 

Our Forgotten Past (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now