It was her cries

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"What do you mean you have to find a ring? What ring did you forget that it would be the first thing out of your mouth!?" I questioned as our door burst open. Inside the frame were his brothers.

"Akuma was my fiance!" Offender screamed at us both. Splendor was in tears and Trender was screaming. Slender and I just stood there as a jumble of screams, cries, and tears came out of the trio as a chill came over me. I looked back down to see that I was still in my nightdress. Slender was in his bottoms. 

"COULD YOU PLEASE EXIT SO I MAY DRESS?" I didn't mean to scream but I would rather not have my brothers look at me in my nightclothes. Offender seemed to be unphased but Splendor squeaked teleporting away from the room. Trender was already in the closet searching for clothes for me to wear and Offender opened his mouth to make a snide comment.  I armed myself with as many pillows as I could grab off the bed and began to throw them at him. Which he easily could have caught in his tendrils but instead he had let them smack into him.

"Offender would be so kind to leave and Trender get out of the closet. We are not three and can dress on our own.  I need a moment alone with her anyway. Go see if you can calm down the rest of the pasta's because I have a feeling that there will be swarming my office or my room.  Now go before I sick Sally on you." Slender said after a pause and my face began to flush. The two finally left the room and the door was shut softly behind them. 

"I need to get used to that. But in all honesty, I think I never will. But can you explain why you need a ring for someone?  I don't want to be in the middle of your relationship with this person. I love you I do but if someone else wore the ring you mentioned I will leave." I said. Though on the inside my heart shattered if that were to be true. Slender looked at me with a confused look but then he gave a small chuckle. I did not know if I should return it or cry. 

"Give me time to find it and then I will tell you ok? Trust me it will be ok and you're not leaving my side, that's for damn sure. Get dressed and I will make you breakfast." He said as he exited the room dressed in his usual suit and tie. I was alone there with the feeling that my world may be shattering but I was not sure what way they would be shattered. I looked out the window and was surprised that there was hardly any snow on the ground anymore. I dressed warmly for the chill was still in the air. Downstairs I could hear the children going about yelling at things they seemed to remember. 

I made my descent down into the madness and was greeted by hugs and cuddles from the younger kids. Jeff was looking at me with the biggest shit-eating grin I have ever seen on him. He walked right over to me and hugged me tightly. I was not opposed to this but it was out of the ordinary especially for Jeff. 

"Dear, what is the matter? You never get like this. Is something bothering you? " I asked him. His face nuzzled into my chest.  Sally was running around my feet with Charlie and the proxy trio were about to walk away. 

"I was the one to find you and I am rubbing it in all their faces!" He declared with pride and a smile. I could only give a sad one in return. 

"My sweet smile I can't remember that year like all of you have, I gave my memories up for all of you. You deserved to remember more than I ever did. Amnesia was my curse and it will remain that way whether it be others' memories or my own. I vaguely can see glimpses into my past but that I wish to forget with everything that has happened to me. I don't know what you remember but I am filled with joy that it makes you all so happy to remember." I replied while kissing his forehead. 

"I understand but I still was the one to find you." A voice called from behind both of us.

"Afraid not there Jeffy boy. Slender was the first. He spotted that building and her watching him from her window the night before. You only spared her but now we know more about her life so you would only have hurt her more than kill her." Trender stated as he began to hold up random color swatches to me. 

Jeff's pale face turned a shade of red and he began to storm off with a string of curses leaving his lips. I turned to him and gave him a smile. Watching him as Slender had emerged from his office holding a small box. He gave a closed-face smile and walked over. 

"Do you care so if I steal my lover away from you brother? I have a very important discussion to have with her." He asked. The diva looked down at the box then back up to his elder sibling and gave a shrug and seemed to smile back at his sibling. 

"As long as I get to see her later and dress her properly. I wondered where that dress in that single room was from and now I know why. " He said as he patted his elder brother on the back. I watched confused. Slender grabbed my hand in his and began to lead me outside. I followed as the first flowers in the garden began to bloom. Stepping closer to the blossoms I touched one of the normal flowers and watched it wither in my palm but the roses I planted began to burst forth with life after I touched them.

"I finally found the ring I mentioned earlier." He said as we sat down on the bench closest to the forest edge. The morning frost still kissed the tips of the leaves as the trees stretched up to heaven. The sun shone through them with the grace that blinded my mother from the sky. I preferred the night with mother but the dawn with helios would do fine. Slender opened the box to me and inside on the velvet was a silver ring. A single diamond was sat up top of the throne of other gems.

"It is a truly stunning piece of jewelry. I have seen quite a few since the arrival here." I said reaching up to touch my necklace of roses. The cold metal greeted me like the morning chill. 

"I had this made for a reason and I couldn't remember who it would have belonged to without you here." His face was turned to the sky, his cold fingers still intertwined with mine. "A strange ring with a stranger not that far from my home. Lost in the woods and made home to a ruined village church. Rescued my children and me without payment or hesitation.  I didn't think to see that stranger again. Nor fall for her. And watch as she cares for my pasta's like her own blood, not afraid to defend the ones she cares about, and deal with my stubborn ass and temper. Giving up her memories for some random people to remember their past, stand back and watch them enter the light as she stayed back in the dark. And smile. To sit here and listen to me ramble on about the past that I shared with this stranger who still is here beside me." He said now looking at me. 

His head made a movement to indicate that he would speak more but I stopped him. My fingers covered where his mouth would be. "The spirit of yesterday is a strong one. He will remain around you until I steal the final breath will breathe. The present passed with every day she watches herself be reborn and the future is here in front of you. A broken being that waits for the day she can live as the past and present do. Knowing everything will end and fall at my hands. But being here I can live as the past and the present. I don't know what will come next. No angels or demons can tell me. Gabriel or Azaeal can tell none. The clocks I hear will tell me how much time I have left with you. Let me thank you for making this possible before you tell me something that will change our future for better or worse." 

His forehead came down and rested on mine as a chuckle left his lips. "For the better, I promise you. This ring was not for another love I have had. But it was always yours. You were scared when you awoke after you finished your father and mother off. You began to be haunted by dreams that only you could see until you showed me. Your eye, heart, and voice stripped from you on the same table on the same day for a purpose they could not achieve. Your fingers shifted to her. Shadow Ash and you grew scared that you would lose yourself to her and harm or kill one of us. I didn't care that you would lose yourself to them. I knew that you would hold her back when it came to us. You would kill yourself before you let her harm us. Nothing had changed besides me getting the chance to love you all over again and I ask you to wear this ring again and maybe we can make it to the wedding this time." He said bending to his knee with the ring to me.  

My heart was swollen and I felt tears in my eyes. I sat back straight and moved to the ground kneels with him. My head looking down as I mustered up a sound I had forgotten in years. "Y...Ye..yes." The word had left my lips and my eyes drifted up to his blank face. "I w...will m-marry you." 

In an instant, I was airborne only to fall back into his arms with a laugh. But that happiness would not last. A sound was filling the woods as he placed the ring back on my finger. Cries of a thousand victims began to cry out. A warning. But until the day the souls won't cry anymore, I will not worry, for now I had a dress to finish and a wedding to plan.

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