Alone when it stopped.

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Readers POV

The days passed like minutes. Not being long enough. Not enough things to distract me from the beings out in the woods. The children can't even leave the mansion to go kill and hunt. EJ is starting to go mad again without his kidneys. Slender is stressed and if he had hair it would be as white as his skin by now. Sally will whine about not being able to leave as she had grown used to staying with her uncle's at their mansions but we can't risk it.

"Mummy why not?" Sally and Lazari began to all me for the fifth time this hour alone. I was trying to keep them occupied from the entire thing by having them bake sweets and I had enough made already to make LJ sick. "Uncle Splendor has not been over in weeks and your said I could see him."

"Sweetie I did say that but we can't right now. There are dangerous people out in the woods that could try and hurt you again. Its the same people that hurt Jeff and daddy. I wouldn't like you two to be hurt. We are asking your uncles is they will stay here with us." I replied sweetly to them both. Sally seemed to understand. Lazari still seemed frightened but I don't blame her to be. No one had expected anything like this before. And now that this is happening we don't know what to do. Frankly I would not mind going out fo the kids but the loved of hunting and murdering their chosen victims can have a toll on their mental health more than there is already. If they left they would have to go in groups and if they go in groups that would fill their bloodlust but also show a greater danger being that if one of them got caught the rest would.

I sighed as my head rested in my hands, even my own bloodlust has been taking over and little by little we change back into what we were made to be. My flesh will grow darker and sometimes my mouth fills with my own blood. Making me swallow and crave the taste of blood even more. It gets worse when it happens around the kids. EJ has more than once tried to cut my own kidneys out to extinguish his hunger. Sometimes I get looked at with hungry gazes because of this little thing. But I was planning on running out to get things so this would happen less. My mind was made up as to not tell the others so that many would not do the same silly mistake. Or big mistake I may say.

The clock sung out midnight and most of the kids have gone to sleep and only the older ones remained up. Jason was busy fixing Candy's hammer again and many other toys that he had scattered across the living room, Slender was yelling at LJ for eating more that what he should seeing that we have low supplies and his brothers all watched. I smiled at the perfect timing and carefully slipped out of the mansion and began running towards a place I thought I would never go back.

The large building came into my view as I stood on the corner staring at the place that only brought me pain. Two good things would come out of me coming back to the awful place. I could gather food and kill those who desired their deaths. The guards were rotating so no one was at the door. I walked in as a simple person looking lost as I had taken the time to shift into Akuma's look. Simple fools never paid any attention to her appearance, so this would be a breeze, I hope. The lady that worked at the counter was staring at me as I walked in. Looking lost as a storm rolled over our heads and the rain poured down hard.

"May I help you ma'am?" The young girl asked with a sarcastic yet amused tone. I was panting to show that I had been running to find a place. Taking a brief moment before answering her I gave a weak smile.

"Sorry if this is a place I should not be but I was out for my late night run and the storm was coming and I went further than normal. I lost my way and when the rain as come down I didn't want to catch a cold. So I tried to find anyplace that would open so I could shelter myself an perhaps find out where I am. I am new to the city and have not been here to long to know where everything is. If I can find my neighborhood I will be able to get home easily." I said pretending I was out of breath. The lady at the desk looked at me with an odd look before nodding her head to another room.

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