Dawn seems so far away

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Slender's POV

There was a pressure on my arm and a tightening on my chest as I was lying on something soft. The first the thing I saw was a tan ceiling with strange cracks for years of wear. Paint chipped in areas and flaking down to the soft place I rested. It reminded me of snow. Was this where souls met the master? But my heart was beating so I could not be dead, my memory went hazy and my body felt weak.  I turned my head and saw Jeff sleeping in a makeshift hammock and Sally clinging to my arm. A bare arm. I looked back over at Jeff where he was still sleeping but he to was shirtless but bandaged up. A small amount of sunlight peeked through the window, dawn was rising. I sighed feeling the tightening around my chest loosen slightly.

Then footsteps. I could hear soft footsteps hitting the old wood of this building. I tried to read their thoughts but there was nothing in there mind. Or was it something I could not read? The footsteps grew closer to the room as Sally stirred awake. I watched her rub her tired eyes and looked down at me.

"Good morning daddy. If your up." She said slightly sleepy. Before I could respond to her I watched her look towards a wall. She gave a small smile to something caught her attention. "Good morning! Daddy and Jeff are still asleep. I don't want to wake them. Did you sleep well since we took your bed?" She asked something or someone. Sally sat up to the person as the soft footsteps grew louder and a pair of violet eyes shined in the dark. The figure had long white hair and darkened circles under their eyes. The figure cupped Sally's cheek and softly smiled. Sally giggled at the stranger and hopped out of bed, taking one last look at me. "Did you fix daddy and Jeff?"

For the first time the stranger to me spoke. I expected their voice to be harsh and deep but instead it was soft and kind. "As best as I could sweetie. I've never worked on someone like your father. It was interesting. I am sure I was able to mend his wounds to the best of my abilities, but his tendrils needed stitched as well as his chest. I can take away the wounds after it comes close for you to go back home but for now I want to see what has healed on its own. By the by what does your father eat?"

There was something about this stranger that made them feel, familiar to me. Sally never gets close to anyone that quick and never once had she trusted a stranger. Sally shifted slightly unsure how to answer the stranger. I decided to finally end this and I shifted as best as I could and the stranger noticed this and looked over. Their eyes stole my gaze as it fell on the right eye. On the inside of their eye were thick black stitches going in various places. As their face came into my view I found myself staring at her. She gave me a small smile and this caught Sally's attention. Climbing back on the bed she crawled over and rested her head on my chest. A small amount of pain jolted through my body until it was replaced by a cold hand on my back. Silently she slipped to the other side of the bed and was helping me sit up against the head board.

"Daddy your okay!" Sally chirped happily hugging my torso as best as she could. I wrapped my close arm around her and chuckled to her. The hand of her traveled down my back to the wounded tendril she had wrapped up as best as she could. I looked on at her as she unwrapped the bandages and looked at the mostly healed apendage. She gave a smile. Moving away she simply turned to me and spoke.

"You quite a lucky man. The wounds you recieved were not fatal and your little brave girl stayed by your side while I took your son back first. You were healing before I could even begin to work. Your clothing has been cleaned and mended. Do you need help getting dressed. Also what do you eat?" She asked me in a quiet tone.  Even I did not know what she would do if I told her. She cocked her head to the side and gave me a reassuring smile. "I will make a run for it if needed."

I shook my head and let it in. "Anything you have to offer is fine." My deep voice had awoken Jeff for he fell out of the hammock. This grabbed her attention as she seemed to move through the bed to him. Helping him off of the floor while checking his bandages. Jeff looked around the room and his eyes landed on me awake and he gave a smirk.

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