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Y/n's POV

I was in the middle of reading a Greek mythology book when I hear Mrs Puffy knock on the door "Hey y/n can I come in?" Mrs Puffy said "Yeah sure" I said whilst putting down the book "Ok so, there is a family coming in to meet you" Mrs Puffy said a bit nervously "Wait really" I asked "Yup, but please be on your best behaviour" Mrs Puffy said calmly "I promise it won't be like the other ones!" I said excited "They will be here in 20 minutes" Mrs Puffy said happily 

Philza's POV

"BOYS HURRY UP!" I yell at the boys "COMING" I heard Tommy tell, Wilbur runs down the stairs while pushing Techno "Hey! No pushing!" I yell directly at Wilbur "SHOTGUN!" Tommy yells at the top of his lungs "Not a chance" Techno says whilst grabbing his Greek mythology book "But I called shotgun" Tommy said angrily  "Since you lads are fighting about who gets front Wil gets front, and please I'm begging you please don't act like this at the adoption center" I say whilst grabbing the keys to the car "Yes" I hear Wilbur say quietly extending the 's' "Come on let's go" I say while leaving the door. 

Soon after we start driving Tommy keeps screaming at Wilbur "Tommy, do you wanna be thrown out of the window?" Techno says  "I'd like to see you try" Tommy says confidentially, Techno starts unrolling the window and scooting towards Tommy "OI! Techno leave Tommy alone" I shout at Techno, Shortly after this the car quiet down we finally arrived at the adoption center! I was really excited to meet y/n Puffy was telling me about her and she seems like a great kid.

Y/n's POV

About 15 minutes after Mrs Puffy came into my room she came back "They're here!" Mrs Puffy said, I got up slowly and Mrs Puffy lead my way downstairs. I see 4 people "Hey Phil! This is Y/n" Mrs Puffy said "I'll leave you guys alone" Mrs Puffy said while leaving the room "Hello Y/n I'm Philza" The man with a green and white striped bucket hat and blond hair said "I'M TOMMY" A kid who looked about my age in a red and white shirt said "I'm Wilbur" A guy in a yellow sweater and a maroon beanie.  It all went silent for about a minute until Philza elbows the guy with pink hair "Oh yeah sorry I'm Technoblade but I go by Techno" The guys with pink hair did while reading what I think is the exact same Greek mythology book I was reading earlier, "So Y/n what are your hobbies and how old are you?" Philza asked me "Um, I like to Bake and Cook, I also love to read Greek mythology and I'm 12 years old" I say. Techno looks up from his book and looks at Philza "Can we keep her" Techno says, Philza just laughs "Never seen you this interested in a child" Philza says, Techno shrugs 

After around 30 minutes Mrs Puffy came back in the room "Y/n meeting hours are over" Mrs Puffy said I nod and stand up "Hopefully we'll see you again!" Philza Says, I leave the room and go upstairs "So y/n how'd it go?" Mrs Puffy asks me "I think it went really well! Way better than all the others!" I say super excitedly "Well we'll have to see" Mrs Puffy says 

Techno's POV

We leave the room and get into the car, we sit in silent until "So kids what do you think about y/n?" Phil says "I REALLY LIKE HER AND I THINK WE SHOULD ADOPT HER" Tommy screams "I honestly would never agree with Tommy but in this case I do" I say "Me too" Wilbur says "Well I also think we should adopt her, Wil can you take my phone and message Puffy" Phil says "Yeah sure" Wilbur says, He grabs Phil's phone and opens it and takes like 30 seconds "Sent" Wilbur says 

3rd Person 

The next day Y/n was told to put her stuff in her bags "Y/n come on down stairs" Puffy said "Ok coming" while y/n was coming down the stairs "Ok I just wanted to tell you, y/n can be very distance and she isn't very social" Puffy says "One of my sons is very much like that" Philza says, y/n is now downstairs "You called for me" Y/n says "Ah yes y/n, well Phil" Puffy says "Y/n, we are going to adopt you" Philza says "Wait really" y/n says "Y/n why don't you grab your bags" Puffy said, Y/n nods and runs back upstairs.

Y/n's POV

I grabbed my bags and quickly ran back downstairs "All set?" Philza asks I nod my head, I go and hug Mrs Puffy "Goodbye Mrs Puffy" I say quietly "Bye Y/n" Mrs Puffy says. We walk out the front door and Philza leads me to his car "So y/n, when we get home if there is screaming and yelling don't be surprised, Tommy likes to scream" Philza says "ok" I say quite quiet 

We sit in silence for the car ride once we get home I try an open the car door "Um P-Philza I think the d-door is stuck" I say "Oh yeah it does that just kick the bottom of the door and call me dad" Philza says "Ok" I say. I kick the bottom of the car door and open it and hop out of the car, I grab my bags but Phi- wait no dad takes my bags from my hands. We go inside "WILBUR STOP THAT'S MINE!" Tommy shouts "Boys! We're home" Dad says, I hear scurrying upstairs and then I see Tommy and Wilbur run down the stairs "Tommy why don't you show her your guys's room" Dad says "Ok follow me" Tommy says without shouting, he leads me to a room with two beds and on one side a T for Tommy and on the other side a y/i (Your initial) for Y/n  

 We go inside "WILBUR STOP THAT'S MINE!" Tommy shouts "Boys! We're home" Dad says, I hear scurrying upstairs and then I see Tommy and Wilbur run down the stairs "Tommy why don't you show her your guys's room" Dad says "Ok follow me" Tommy says wit...

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(Like this but bigger and with a desk) 

"Woah" I say in disbelief  "Yeah, we spent a lot of yesterday decorating" Tommy tells me "That's awesome!" I say "Sorry you couldn't get your own room, we don't have an extra room" He says "I can use the company it gets lonely sometimes" I tell him "Kids!" We hear Dad yelling "We should probably go downstairs" I say "Yeah" Tommy says whilst leaving the room. Once everyone got downstairs "Dinner's ready" Dad says


1108 words 

Hey luvs remember to drink water and eat also take care of yourselves <3

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