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 Philza's POV 
BING BING BING my alarm plays, I check my phone and see it's 7:00am. Monday morning the worst time of the week. 'OH SHIT THE KIDS HAVE SCHOOL' I think to myself whilst getting out of bed, I go and quickly make some toast and put it on the table aside with some butter, peanut butter and jam. I go upstairs and into Y/n and Tommy's room, I go up to Tommy and shake him lightly "Hey bud you gotta get up for school" I say "Noooo" He says whining "I'm sorry, if I could choose I wouldn't make it monday" I say whilst going over to y/n and shake her lightly "Hey sweetie, it's time for school" I say not too loud, I see her eyelids flutter "ok" she says groggily. 

I go over to Will's room "Hey Will, time for breakfast" I say quietly "Ughh" he groans "Just 5 more minutes, please Phil" he says "I'm gonna wake up Techno, and if you aren't downstairs before I am, I will drive you to school and walk you to the door" I say "Alright, Alright I getting up" He says knowing I wasn't lying, I slowly walk over to Techno's room and before I go inside I read the sign on his door that's been there for a few months 'Don't enter unless you are Phil, Phil is welcomed here' I walk in the room "Hey Techno, time for school" I say softly "mhm I'm getting up" Techno says whilst sticking his head underneath a pillow. I grab the pillow and put it on the grown where he can't reach, "Philllll, Can't I just get some sleep" he whines, I take the comforter and place it on top of the pillow that's on the floor and Techno finally gets up.

Y/n's POV

I was really tired from last night, but I didn't want to displease dad so I got out of bed, I grabbed a red jumper and some light grey pair of joggers. I walked over to the washroom connected Mine and Tommy's room and close and lock the door, and get changed.  I unlock the washroom door and leave to go downstairs. "Y/n?" Tommy asks "Mhm?" I ask "My friends are a bit different...... So if they say something bad that's why" He tells me "What kind of different?" I say "You'll see" He says intriguing me "Ok...?" I say a little sceptical. Before leaving the room I grab my Greek mythology book, as soon as I do leave the room I stub my big toe of the door frame "Ow fuck" I say, I quietly walk down the stairs "Good morning y/n" Dad says "Morning" I say whilst going to join him and Wilbur at the table.

Shortly after, Tommy and Techno came down, We all eat ( I most likely won't be doing parts of this book with eating scenes, I have one more chapter but that may be all the parts with eating in it, Thank you for understanding ) "What time is itttt?" Tommy whines "It's 7:34, you and y/n should start getting ready to leave" Dad says, I nod my head and get up, I put my ring binder in my bag along with my math textbook and my laptop, I stick my book into the smallest pocket in my bookbag. "We're leaving!" Tommy yells "Bye have a good day! Y/n I hope you have a great experience for your first day!" Dad says happily "Thank you!" I say with a smile on my face and we leave the house.

Tommy's POV

 "So y/n, What is your homeroom?" I ask "I think it said Mr. Daniels" y/n says in response " Ouch Mr. Daniels. He's very strict, or maybe he just hated me. I had him as my homeroom last year and that was one rough year " I say, "awh that's not good" y/n says "Meh I have a better homeroom teacher this year" Or at least I thought.

Time skip! 

We just arrived at the school and BRING BRING BRING the morning bell rang, "Y/n, I'm gonna show you to class, k?" I say to my sister "Okay" She says back. We walk into school and I walk her to her class "Bye y/n, I'll meet you here at lunch, alright?" I say "Ok see you!" She says, I check the time OH SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE AND MY CLASSROOM IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SCHOOL! I run up the stairs conveniently being next to her classroom  I run down the long hall and finally get to my classroom "And that's how you- TOMMY YOU ARE LATE!" Miss Bandy yelled at me "COME OUT INTO THE HALLWAY NOW!" She screams at me "Why were you late?" She asks me "I was showing my sister to her class" I say calmly "It's literally the middle of the year why would your sister need to be shown her class?" She asks me with disgust in her "For your information" I say extremely sassy "My family just adopted her, so it's not like that kind of stuff would just magically appear in her brain" I say even more sassy "Oh-" Miss Bandy says

Y/n's POV

"Ah you must be y/n" Mr Daniels Says "That's me" I say "Why don't you introduce yourself" He says "Hi I'm Y/n, I just got adopted and now I'm living her with my dad and 3 brothers" I say, I hear people laugh "Are your brothers also adopted?" He says "Well I'm actually not sure, I never asked, But if so they've been living with my dad their whole lives" I say "What's your last name y/n?" Mr Daniels asks "Minecraft..?" I say "Are your brothers Tommy, Wilbur and Technoblade?" He asks "Mhm" I say "Are you kidding me" I hear him say under his breath 


1005 words 

Hey luvs <3 I hope you all are taking care of yourselves and staying safe <3

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