Reunited but changed

336 12 26

TW: Blood, wounds

Philza's POV

"I'm going out to the store!" I shout to my kids

I open up the door and see Y/n looking overwhelmed

"Y/n!" I say in suprise

"Dad!" She says realising I was here

Y/n come up and hugs me tightly 

"I was so worried about you" I say with tears streaming down my face

She's finally home   

"come on, let's go inside" I say to my daughter       

We go inside our house

"Wil!" She says whilst running up to her brother 

"N/N!" Wilbur shouts

Wil pulls Y/n into a tight embrace

Wilbur's POV

"Wil!" I hear from the front door

I look down to see Y/n running to me 

"N/N!" I shout whilst pulling her into an extremely tight hug

"I'm sorry I didn't keep you safe.." I whisper so she could only hear

Before I knew it I was crying

"it's not your fault" She whispers to me

"I'm sorry" I whisper

"Y/n!" Tommy says as soon as he sees her

"Tommy!" She says


3rd person 

They all were so happy to see y/n, Techno was being very apologetic to her because he feels that he caused this whole situation. 

That night Tommy went over to Tubbo's house.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Phil asks

"Yesssssss" Wilbur says extending the 's'

"Sure" Y/n says

"What movie?" Techno asks

"Y/n? Do you wanna choose" Phil asks

"I'm fine with whatever" Y/n says

"Five nights at Freddy's lore!" Wilbur says jokingly 

"We could watch Hamilton?" Phil suggests 

"Alright" Y/n says

"Oh my god I love Hamilton" Wilbur says

"Phil, you know never to suggest Hamilton when Wilbur or Tommy are around" Techno complains

"Too late now" 

"I'll go make popcorn" Phil says

"Where's the remote control?" Wilbur asks

"I don't know maybe look for it" Techno says annoyed at his brother

"It's literally right next to you" Y/n points out

"oh, so it is" Wilbur says slightly embarrassed 


The movie was over and it was about 12 pm, no one fell asleep but everyone except Techno were pretty tired.

Y/n went up to hers and Tommy's room, since Tommy wasn't there she honestly was kinda scared to go to sleep.

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now