*pow pow* the fight

346 9 16


Techno's POV

I don't know what shit Dream will pull today

Homeless Teletubby

Meet me at Prime path in an hour 
for the fight

Yeah yeah whatever


"you're kidding me" I mumble 

3rd person 

"Breakfast!" Philza calls for the 4 children

Tommy and Wilbur stop Play fighting, Wilbur puts Y/n down and Technoblade puts his phone in his pocket and then the 4 kids go to the table for breakfast. 

a couple minutes later 

"oh by the way in like 45 minutes we have to go to prime path" Technoblade says

"Why?" Philza asks

" *nervous laugh* me and Dream are fighting, and he said that you guys HAVE to come" Technoblade says

"Why?" Philza asks

"I don't know!" Technoblade exclaims 

"Will any of his family be there?" Philza asks

"I don't think so" Technoblade answers

"His little minions will probably be there" Y/n adds

"true" Wilbur says

"Techno how do you get into situations like this" Philza says

"Well this time it wasn't my fault" Techno says whilst glaring at Y/n 

"It wasn't my fault either!" Y/n exclaims

"mhm sure" Techno says

"Believe me or not I couldn't care less" Y/n says

"kids" Philza says with THAT tone so immediately they stop

"Alright well after you're all done eating get your shoes on" Philza says

They all finished eating and put their shoes on, Techno grabbed his beloved sword and they all head out the door.


 "Look who turned up" Sapnap says

"No armour and a stone sword" Dream says

"I don't have a stone sword on me" Techno says

Y/n then pulls a stone sword out of her bag

"Here" She says whilst tossing it to him

"Thanks" Techno says a bit confused why she has that

Dream and Techno both stand on the middle of prime path

"If I win I want my crown back" Techno says

"Alright, fair fair, if I win your sister is coming back with me" Dream says with a smirk on his face

"What!?" Y/n exclaims in confusing

"I don't agree to this!" Y/n yells

"Darling  you don't get a say in this" Dream says (NOT IN SEXUAL WAY!!!)

"Are you guys ready?" George asks

"Yes" Dream says sternly

"Yep" Techno says

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BEGIN" George announces slowly

"GO TECHNO!" Tommy says jumping up like a fan girl

"p-please win" Y/n mutters under her breath so no one else could hear

(kinda forget if I've said this and I don't feel like looking at a past chapter so imma say this just in case, Techno is letting Dream win)

Dream slashes his sword at Techno, he quickly dodges. Techno makes it look like he's trying to stab Dream but Dream dodges immediately.

5 minutes later

Techno was still trying to make it look like he's putting up a fight.

Dream pushes Techno to the ground and points his sword at him.

"I guess this means I win" Dream says with a large grin on his face

Wilbur goes up to y/n 

"I won't let Dream take you" Wilbur says crouching down to the girls height

"B-but what happens if he does" Y/n says with tears pouring down her face 

"Trust me" Wilbur says

"ohhh Y/n time to go home" Dream says

Sapnap comes over 

"Wilbur I'm going to need you to move" Sapnap says

"I will not be doing that" Wilbur sticks up for Y/n 

"you sure about that?" Sapnap asks

================================================================================================================================================================579 words

sorry for the short chapter

Hey luvs <3 sorry  for not posting for a while I was caught up with personal things, also I most likely wont be posting as consistent because I just started school again :( I hope you all are doing amazing and are being kind andddddd THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 700 READS THAT'S MANIC!

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