I miss you

292 8 20

TW: Death, suicide 

Wilbur's POV

"No no no, you're gonna tell them yourself cause you won't die" I tell Y/n

"I'm sorry..." She whispers quietly

Her eyes shut and her body goes limp 

"NO!" I yell whilst sobbing

Phil quickly runs over when he hears the commotion 

He just stands in place in utter shock

"what did you do" Phil whispers with tears flowing down his face

"I-i didn't do anything I just found her with a stab wound" I say whilst sobbing

"come here mate" He says whilst holding out his arms for a hug

I gladly accept and hug him as tight as possible and sob into his shoulder

Y/n's POV

My eyes flutter open and all I see is bright.

"My poor baby..." A lady comes into my view point and says

I scooch back a little

"W-who are you?" I ask not quite being able to see her face

"Honey... It's your mother" She says

I hesitantly get off the ground 

"I'm sorry for leaving you so early in your life" She says

"Mum, it's not your fault"  I assure her

"I lit the house on fire." Mum admits 

I back away

"What..?" I ask confused at why she would do that

"I-i was drunk, and I had the sudden craving death" She explains

"And you had too put mine and dad's life at risk?" I ask passive aggressively 

"Honey, I didn't mean-" She says before I cut her off

"I had second and third degree burns all over my body, I was made fun of for months! And all I get is 'sorry'?" I say

I immediately regret what I said

"I shouldn't have went off at you, I'm really confused about everything" I tell her

"It was well deserved, I deeply regret my actions but I can't turn back time so.." Mum says

Phil's POV

After a few days I finally decided to go through Y/n's things

I open a chest labelled 'Y/n's stuff, please ask before taking things!' There's a disc and a journal that really pop out to me so I grab them. I see that she has a jukebox beside the chest and I put the disc in.

It starts playing

"uhm Hello. I don't know how long after I die you'll find this, but anyways I need to says stuff" I take the disc out

"Boys come here!" I shout

"Coming" Wil shouts back

all three of them come in

"I was looking through Y/n's stuff and found this, I thought you guys might wanna listen to it" I tell them

Wilbur looks a little broken but nods his head

"Alright" Techno says

"What does it say..?" Tommy asks

"I don't know, come listen to it" I tell him 

"Okay" He says

I place the disc back in 

"uhm Hello. I don't know how long after I die you'll find this, but anyways I need to says stuff just in case you haven't found my diary yet." 

Blah blah blah it plays

"wow..." Techno says

"I-i can't believe she is actually dead" Wil says trying to not cry

"I know, it's hard to deal with this type of shit" I comfort Wil

"I miss her" Tommy says barely above a whisper

"me too mate, me too" I tell him

short y/n POV


"Mum...?" I ask her

"What is it sweetheart?" She asks 

"I've been thinking for a while, how would you feel if I became a ghost?" I ask

"If it makes you happy then go for it" 

"Thank you!" I say with a lot of joy

"Just please be safe, I know you can't die again but I don't wanna lose you" Mum says

"I will, thank you again" I say

Tommy's POV

"Willllll!" I whine

"What." He responds coldly 

"Jeez, I was just going to ask if you've seen my other red and white shirt" I say slightly offended

"I have not and I don't care, you have like fifty other red and white shirts" Wil tells me

"Yeah but this one is special" I plead

"How so?" He asks

"It's the one I was wearing when I met Tubbo for the first time" I explain

"Whate-" Wilbur says before a somewhat transparent figure appears in front of us

"Y/n...?" I ask seeing the figures face



663 words

Hey luvs! I'm sorry for not posting for over a week, I've been pre-occupied with school work and stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS THAT IS CRAZY! I hope you guys are doing whatever makes you happy :) 

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