Dream scared?!?

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Dream's POV (new pov pog)

"Dreammmmmm" Sapnap says

"what" I say

"what did you mean but consequences earlier?" Sapnap asks

"I'm glad you asked" I start

"well go on" George says

"I have been observing Technoblades interactions for a few times and I think his most prised person is.." I start pausing to be dramatic

"SAY IT" Sapnap yells

"HURRY UP" George said

(That's what he said last night /j)

"I think his prised person is his family, so I will kidnap one of them if he doesn't show" I say

"Great idea Dream" Sapnap said

"I come up with the best ideas I know" I say 

"Buttttt you're cocky about it" George says

"I AM NOT" I yell

"yea, yea you are" George says

"That is simply untrue, Sapnap do you think I'm cocky?" I ask

"Very much" Sapnap says

George and Sapnap start to laugh

"okay whatever" I say

"Did you ever tell y/n when you wanted the fight to happen?" George asks

"Oh shit I did not" I say

"I mean I know where they live" Sapnap says

"How?" Me and George ask in unison

"Me and Tommy had to work on some stupid project together, so we can tell Technoblade face to face" Sapnap says

"Don't make me regret saying this but Sapnap you are brilliant!" George says

"Ah stop it, SAY IT AGAIN" Sapnap says

"Nope" George says before running

Wilbur's POV

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK I hear at the door

"I'll get it!" I yell to my family

I open the door and see three people, Dream George and Sapnap...

"What do you guys want" I say

"I need to speak to Technoblade" Dream says

"And why should I let you?" I ask

He pulls out an enchanted netherite sword 


"WIL BE NICER TO YOUR BROTHER" Dadza yells whilst Techno comes down the stairs

"What do you ever need this time?" Techno asks

"Tec-" Dream says before getting cut off

"Why is the homeless teletubby at our house" Techno asks in his low monotone voice

"Come to prime path on the 19th for a fight or else there will be consequences" Dream says

Why the 19th that's only in two days

"Alright but be prepared" Techno says whilst slamming the door in Dream's face 

Y/n and Tommy walk down the stairs laughing and Dream starts banging at the door

"Who's at the door?" Y/n asks

"Uh- no one" I say

"Yeah, no one" Techno says

"There's obviously someone there" Y/n says

"Open the door or i'll tell dadza you punched y/n" Tommy says

"fine" I say whilst opening the door

"Finally bitch" Dream says

"ew" Tommy says

Dream pulls out his sword and pushes past me and Techno, he puts his sword up to Tommy's chest 

"What did you just say to me" Dream says to Tommy

I don't think Dream realised y/n was there because when he saw her

"Oh uh- Hey y/n" Dream says

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asks

"uh uh- I was j-just showing Tommy over here how to threaten someone" Dream stutters out

I've never seen Dream more scared

"Sure you were" Y/n says sarcastically

"You've changed Dream, I'm glad your mom didn't want you hanging out with me" She says (from the chapter 'Old friends')

"Get out of our house Bitch!" Tommy yells

Dream, George and Sapnap all run away

"Why was he so scared of you?" I ask y/n

"He has a lot of reasons to, but the reason that he has the most to be scared is that I know his mother" Y/n says

"Really? And why didn't Dreams mom want you to hang out with him?" I ask

"Mhm, well when I was 9 I think, Me, Dream, Sapnap and George were playing outside and long story short I got a piece of plastic cut deep in my shoulder and Dream's mom thought that he did it" Y/n informs us

"damn" Techno says

Phil comes downstairs 

"What was all this commotion for?" Phil says

"nothing" Tommy and I say in unison 

"You sure?" Phil asks

"Yep" Techno says

"If you say so, who was at the door?" Phil asks

we all look puzzled because we couldn't find an excuse for a split second

"Oh- just some ding dong ditchers" Y/n says

"those pesky kids" Phil says

Dream's POV

As we ran off I can't help to think that I did something wrong, NAHHHH I'm just playing. I, Dream couldn't do anything wrong and I never have.

Now that y/n hates me I can torture her


759 words

Hey luvs <3 cliffhanger hehe, I totally didn't update this 3 days after I said it would take me a while to get the next chapter out... I hope that your guys' 2022 is going great, remember to stay safe, eat and hydrate love you guys.

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