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This chapter isn't important it's just something fun I wanted to write so if you want to skip over it that's completely fine. 

Also this chapter is pretty cringy 

Y/n's POV
"Mafia" Mr Daniels says 

Ooh I love mafia! 

"Alright everyone get in a circle and I'll explain the rules for people who don't know how to play" Mr Daniels announces 

Everyone gets into a circle and sits down 

"Alright so Once I tell you to close your eyes, Then I will Tap 3 people on the head to be the Assassins, Then I will tap 2 people on the head to be the doctors, Then 1 person to be the Detective and finally 1 person to be the cupid. Assassins You guys choose together one person to kill without talking, Doctors you choose one person to save without talking, Detective you get to choose one person to see if they have a good role or a bad role, Cupid you get to choose two people to make fall in love and if one of them dies in that round or the next round they both die. Once the round is done two people will be voted for one of them to be voted out. You may not open your eyes until I say, and don't reveal your roles, and with that everyone close your eyes" Mr Daniels says

Third person

"Alright I will tap 3 people to be the assassins" Mr. Daniels says whilst walking around the circle

He picks Aimsey, Skeppy and Y/n to be the assassins 

"If I tap your head now you are one of the doctors" Mr. Daniels says

He picks Freddie (Badlinuu) and Hannah (HannahxxRose) to be the doctors

"Now if I tap your head you are the Detective" Mr. Daniels says

He picks Shubble to be the Detective

"And lastly if I tap you now you are the cupid" He says

He picks Billzo to be the cupid 

"Alright, Assassins open your eyes" He says 

Aimsey Skeppy and y/n open their eyes, Skeppy points to Jonah (JonahWill) Aimsey and y/n nod their heads 

"Alright close your eyes, Doctors open your eyes Doctors you can only pick to save yourselves 3 times" Mr. Daniels explains

Freddie and Hannah open their eyes, Hannah points to Shubble, Freddie nods 

"Ok, Doctors close your eyes, Detective open your eyes" Mr. Daniels says

Shubble opens her eyes and points to Beautie 

"Thumbs up means a good role or innocent and thumbs down means evil role" Mr. Daniels says

Mr. Daniels puts his thumb up 

"Alright close your eyes, and finally cupid open your eyes" He says 

Billzo opens his eyes and points to Hannah and y/n 

"Alright, close your eyes, and now everyone open your eyes" Mr. Daniels says 

"So now with the information I've been given I will create a story" Mr. Daniels says 

"One random Thursday Shubble, Hannah, y/n, Jonah, Purpled, Punz and Fundy were having a beach party. They went and got food at a food truck and Hannah and y/n thought it would be a good time to announce their relationship" Mr. Daniels starts 

A few people laugh but y/n and Hannah just looked at each other

"Continuing, Once they all congratulated them they all sat down and ate their food but Jonah thought his food tasted a bit funny, he fell to the ground and some random by passer just decided to call 911, when the ambulance got to the scene they thought it would be a better idea to take Shubble to the hospital, and Jonah died. Jonah you may now spectate the game, you may not give any input on the game" Mr. Daniels says 

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now