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Tw: Blood, gashes 

Dream's POV

Now that y/n hates me, I can torture her.

"I have a plan" I say 

"what's your plan" Sapnap asks

"well...." I start

"To start off..." I say


time skip to after Dream says his plan

"wow that's actually a pretty good plan" George says

"you're just a simp George, that plan is fucking basic" Sapnap says

"yOu'Re JuSt a SiMp meh meh meh" George says mocking Sapnap

"well do you have a better plan?" I ask

"I mean no but-" Sapnap says

"See" I say cutting him off

The next day

Techno's POV

I get a text from an unknown number that says 

(the slanted letters are Techno and the under lines are the unknown)


come to (random location) un-armed right now
                                                                                                                     why should I?
come or else
                                                                                                                    alright I'm leaving now
Ok :)


"Dad! I'm heading out" I yell 

"Okay be safe!" Dadza yells back

"I will, bye!" I say

I walk to _____ location and I see Dream, George and Sapnap they're all in enchanted netherite amour.

Wait that smile left on the text, that wasn't a friendly smile that was Dream.

"Well, well Technoblade" Dream says

"Why did you want me to come here?" I ask

"Well seeing as you did come un-armed and no armour on," He says whilst pulling up his netherite axe 

"If you don't let me win tomorrow I will kill you" he says

"what?" I ask

"Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way" He says

"Fine fine, I'll purposely lose" I agree

"Just so you don't go back on your word i'll be taking this" He says whilst snatching my crown that my mother gave me before passing away

"see you tomorrow Techno" He says with an evil smirk on his face 

they then run off,

'That was the last thing my mother gave me' I think with a tear streaming down my face 

I go back home and see Tommy, Y/n, Wilbur and Phil on the couch watching a movie but the only one awake was Phil 

"Hey Techno" He says

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now