The truth comes out

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3rd person

Wilbur puts his hand over his mouth and starts laughing, Philza elbows him. "WHO THE FUCK WROTE CHILD AND BITCH BOI ON MY FACE!" Tommy screams, Y/n and Tubbo nearly burst out laughing "DID YOU GUYS WRITE THAT ON MY FACE!" Tommy shrieks, Tubbo puts his hand up for a high five, y/n flinches badly "You alright dear?" Philza asks her, y/n looks at her feet and just nods. Philza puts his hand on her shoulder (IN A PARENT WAY!) "Boys could you leave the room for a minute" Philza says, "Ok" Wilbur says Tubbo nods and Tommy just leaves.

"Y/n" Philza says in a serious tone "mhm" y/n mumbles "Why did you flinch when Tubbo was going to high five you?" Philza asks "N-no reason" y/n studders "Please tell the truth""M-my foster dad was always d-drunk and he would hit me all the time" y/n says quietly while wiping tears off her cheeks. Philza just has a shocked look on his face, he hugs y/n tightly "Do you wanna go get some breakfast?" Philza asks y/n, she nods.

Y/n's POV 

Fuck Fuck Fuck was all I could think to myself while I was walking down the stairs, I miss a step but gladly I grab on to the railing so I didn't fall "Tommy can you go wake up Techno please" Dad asks Tommy "yep" Tommy says surprisingly being quiet "I'm sorry" Tubbo says "No need to apologise it was gonna come sooner or later" I say so that only Tubbo can hear. We see Tommy running down the stairs really quick "Tommy no running in the house" Dad says "B-but-" Tommy gets cut off by Techno walking down the stairs "TOMMY YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT" Techno yells whilst grabbing his sword "TECHNO, NO SWORDS IN THE HOUSE AND DON'T USE YOUR SWORD TO BEAT UP YOUR BROTHER!" Dad yells at Techno.

Dad comes over and puts a box of cereal on the table and a jug of milk "Breakfast is served" Dad says, we sit down at the table "So, school starts tomorrow" Dad says "Boo!" Wilbur whines "Tommy, You're gonna be walking with y/n to the school, alright?" Dad says "Alright, wait what year is she in?" Tommy asks "She is in year 8" dad responds.

(Time skip to the night) 

Wilbur's POV

(I will be calling Philza either Phil or Dadza in this chapter just so you don't get confused when it changes)
"WILBUR HURRY UP WE GOTTA CHOOSE WHICH MOVIE TO WATCH" Tommy yells at me "I'm coming, I'm coming Tommy, calm down" I say to Tommy "Which movie are we gonna watch?" Phil asks "FROZEN!" Tommy yells extremely loud "HAMILTON!" I shout louder than Tommy "Calm down boys, y/n and Techno do you have opinions on which movie?" Phil asks, Y/n shakes her head no "nope" Techno says "FROZEN!!!!!!!" Tommy yells really loud, I slap him "OW!" Tommy screams "WILBUR!" Phil yells at me "Wilbur, Wilbur that wasn't a good move to get the movie you want" Techno says "Wil, don't slap your brother, Tommy you can pick the movie" Dadza says whilst tossing the remote to Tommy "YAY! FROZEN" Tommy yells

Phil walks over to the kitchen and grabs a bag of crisps and a bag of un-popped popcorn "Popcorn or crisps?" Phil asks "Popcorn!" I say excitedly "YEAH!" Tommy shouts "Tommy, Tommy calm down" Dadza says "I'm just going bring both" Dadza says (On the couch its philza on one end, then Wilbur next to him then Tommy, then y/n and then techno on the other end) 

Tommy's POV

(Time skip to the end of frozen, Tommy was singing to the songs all movie long. Only Wilbur has fallen asleep)

"EW DAD WILBUR FELL ASLEEP ON ME" I yell at the top of my lungs "shh he's trying to sleep Tommy" Dadza says I sigh loudly and turn to y/n "Wanna go upstairs?" I ask her "ok" She says quietly and we head upstairs. "So y/n.." I say, she turns to look at me "mhm" She mumbles "Tomorrow when we go to school, do you wanna hang out with me and my friends?" I ask her "Sure" She says whilst getting into her bed "Goodnight Tommy" She says "G'night y/n" I say.


Hey luvs!!!! I'm sorry that it's been a while, I've just been overwhelmed with school and some personal stuff but I really wanted to get this chapter out tonight, I hope you all have been doing well and I'll try to get the next chapter out sometime this month (sorry if I don't) 

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