So that just happened

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The night before y/n's birthday

Y/n's POV

Dear diary

Today was fun, me and Bill presented our science project about the theories about how the world will end, we got a 93% on it! My grades have gotten better but I guess that wont matter anymore.. Tonight I'm gonna ask Phil if I can go out by myself because I just want me time before anything happens to me, if I can't go I will still leave. I wonder if it's gonna be a painful death? Was I just hallucinating? Am I actually gonna die? What if I'm just being paranoid, probably nothings gonna happen. 

-July 21 

I set my diary on my desk and go downstairs.

"Dadza?" I ask

"Mhm" He says

"Can I go out?" I ask

"Sure, stay safe please be back before 12 am" Dad says

"Alright Thanks!" I tell him

I run back upstairs and grab my wallet and phone. I slip on a hoodie and go back downstairs "Bye! I'm leaving!" I shout before walking out the door

I check the time to see what I have time to do

'7:37' Reads on my phone screen

I think for a few minutes on where I could go, I finally decide on going to the park where I smashed my face onto the concrete.

I walk along the sidewalk to get to the park.

"What are you doing out here alone so late little girl?" A middle aged man says

I don't respond I just walk faster

"I SAID what are you doing out here" The man says

"Leave me alone!" I yell 

"I'm just trying to make sure you're safe" He says in an obviously fake sad voice

I pull my diamond axe out

"I'm very capable of doing that myself" I say angrily whilst holding up my axe 

"Jesus Christ kids these days" The man mutters under his breath

I continue walking to the park and I see the patch of sunflowers where the bees were really friendly to me.

"I need to experience life with only.." I whisper to myself whilst checking my phone

"at least 3 hours and 46 minutes" I whisper

3rd person!

Y/n leaves the park and decides she wants to spend her last amount of time with the people who love her the most, Tommy, Wilbur , Techno and Phil.

She walks home and opens the door

"Back so soon?" Phil asks

"yeah.. I want to tell Tommy, Wilbur and Techno" She says to her father

"Alright, you want me to call them down?" Phil asks

Y/n nods her head

"Boys! Come down here!" Phil calls

They all come down shortly after"What?" Techno asks

Phil looks over to his daughter

"Um, I j-just wanted to say.." She starts while looking down at her hands and fidgeting with them

"I'm almost completely certain I will die within the next day or so" Y/n says with tears in her eyes

"WELL THEN WE NEED TO PREPARE FOR YOUR DEATH!!!" Tommy exclaims jokingly 

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now