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Wilbur's POV

"You sure about that?" Sapnap asks

"What are you gonna do" I ask him judgmentally 

"Wilbur just stay out this" Sapnap says

"I don't think I will do that" I say smugly 

I look back at where y/n was standing, but see that she isn't there but running into the woods  

Y/n's POV

I ran like my life depended on it, cause it probably did.

"y/n!" I barely heard from I think Wilbur

I didn't stop when he yelled out my name.

I heard someone a little bit behind me, I don't look back because why bother at this point I bet it's Dream or his minions 

After a short bit the person behind me catches up with me

"N/n why did you run from me darling" (NOT A SEXUAL WAY Y/N IS 12!) Dream says

He tries and puts his arm around me

"GET OFF OF ME" I yell whilst elbowing him 

"If you won't come the easy way I'll just have to do it the hard way" Dream says

"Wha-" I say whilst he grabs some sort of splash potion

"See you soon" Dream says throwing the potion 

I was unconscious

Dream's POV 

"See you soon" I say before throwing the splash potion at her

She almost immediately passes out 

I pick her up bridal style and walk back to prime path to meet the boys 

"I got the kid" I say 

"Give me my fucking child" Phil says 

"How 'bout no" I say chuckling

"You've fucked up Dream" Tommy says 

"Have I?" I say chuckling more

"You are a maniac" Wilbur says

"Let's go" I say signalling to Sap and George

"Alright"  George says

"Thanks for your kid Phil" I say to make him upset

We quickly leave 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" George asks

"Of course it is" I said

"I mean George is kinda right, we've known Y/n since we were kids" Sap says

"Just because we know her doesn't mean we should re-consider this" I say

"Yeah but-" George starts

"I don't wanna hear it" I said

"That's not fair" Sap pleads

"And why not?" I ask

"Why should you be making extremely big decisions like this?" Sapnap says

"Because I'm smarter than you guys and I know more about people than you guys do" I tell them

"We don't care we're still people, WE HAVE FEELINGS UNLIKE YOU DO!" George yells

"Wow, real kind" I say

George puts his hand over his mouth 

"Dream I didn't mean it, that's not what I meant" George explains

"Yeah of course you didn't" I say sarcastically 

The rest of the walk home was silent and the awkward kind of silence, we finally got home after what felt like an eternity.

I open the front door and go down the basement stairs, I open the relatively large closet and put y/n in it. (HAH GAY)

Philza's POV

Why, why did I just let him take her! I could've done something about it. I notice Wil in the corner of the room just sitting on the floor, I can't tell if he's crying or not but I go over to him and sit down next to him.

"hey mate" I say

Wil quickly wraps his arms around me and starts sulking 

"I p-promised her Phil, I promised her" He says the last bit his voice breaking 

"I'll talk to Sam and see if he can do anything about it and put Dream in prison or something, I promise she'll be okay" I tell him whilst rubbing his back

"What happens if your promise turns out like mine" Wil says

"Hey, mate it won't" I tell him

Wil and Y/n were really close, so I can see why he's acting like this

"IT WAS MY FAULT" Techno says barging into the room

"What?!" Me and Wil exclaim in sync

"I was being selfish and self centred and now she's gone and who knows what Dream will do" Techno says

"What...?" Wil asks heart broken

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean for this to happen" I tell them

"I can't believe you" Wil says before getting up and going to his room

"Techno" I say sternly 

"What were you doing?" I ask

"Well, I went out one night and Dream took my crown and then he was like 'if you don't let me win I won't give your crown back bitch' and I didn't know that he was gonna involve Y/n in this" Techno says really fast 

"I don't even know what to say" I told him

"I'm not mad just disappointed" I said 

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HEY LUVS <333 New chapter poggggggg, I'm honestly not sure about how much time it will take for the next chapter but just keep in mind I have school and quite a bit of homework. I hope you all are doing great and staying safe, love yaaa

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