Cooking/Baking challenge

416 10 16

I honestly have no clue why I'm writing this chapter but whatever

Wilbur's POV

"Alright I'm the judge and the teams are, drum roll please" Phil says

Tommy taps on the counter 

"Techno and Tommy versus Y/n and Wilbur" He announces

I look at y/n 

I'm glad I'm not with Tommy he's a horrible chef and Techno just gets irritated by the slightest things when cooking. 

My family takes these baking/cooking challenges we do to seriously so I hope that y/n is a good chef.

"Alright Techno and Tommy you guys will be making dinner and Wilbur and Y/n you guys will be making dessert, take about 5-10 minutes to figure out what you guys are making and then you will commence" Phil says 

I walk over to y/n

"Alright so what do you want to make?" I ask 

she just shrugs her shoulders 

"how bout cupcakes" I suggest 

"sure" She agrees

"I'll grab the ingredients could you grab two bowls?"

"Mhm" Y/n says 

"Do you wants to mix the dry or the wet ingredients?" I ask

"I don't mind, but I can't crack an egg without getting shell in the bowl" She informs me

"Alright you can do the dry ingredients" I say

"Ok, Are we going to find a recipe?" She asks

"TOMMY STOP" Techno yells



what did I tell myself, Techno gets irritated by the smallest things and Tommy sucks at cooking.

Once we've finished laughing at Tommy and Techno I start putting eggs, melted butter, vegetable oil, milk and vanilla extract into the bowl. Y/n puts Flour, sugar, baking powder and a little bit of salt into her bowl.

"Can you hold onto the bowl to stabilise it whilst I pour the wet ingredients into that bowl" I ask y/n

"Ok" she says  

"Wait wait wait, I think we forgot to pre-heat the oven" Y/n says

"Fuck!" I say whilst running to the oven and pre-heating it

once the oven is pre-heated and we've poured the cupcake batter into the pan I stick it in the oven.

"alright, icing time?"

"ooh what colour?" She asks excitedly 

"What colour do you want"

"How bout f/c" She suggests

"f/c it is"

"TOMMY!" Techno yells

"can you grab the butter from the fridge?" I ask

She nods and opens the fridge and grabs the butter 

time skipppppppppp bestiesss

Philza's pov

"so what did you guys make?" I ask

"Cupcakes" Wilbur says

"I have no clue" Techno says

"That's not good" I say

Tommy brings in a pot of burnt food, I can't tell what is it cause it's so burnt

"DINNER'S SERVED" Tommy yells

"I'm gonna order a pizza.." I say

"That's for the best" Wil says

Another time skippp!

"Ok Wil, N/n let's hope your guys' food is edible"

Wil takes out a tray of vanilla cupcakes with f/c frosting

blah blah blah they eat the cupcakes and enjoy them 

"We all know who won" I say

"Definitely" Techno says

"yeah, no offence but your cupcakes sucked ass" Tommy says

"Your food was literally burn to crisp" Wil says


Hey luvs <3 how are you guys, I have been very busy with school and have spent most of my free time either studying or working on projects. This chapter is quite short, I know but I just really wanted to get another one out.

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