The truth reveals itself in odd ways

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Y/n's POV


I knock on Dad's door

"yea?" He responds

"daddddd" I whine

"whattttt" he says matching my tone

I look at a photo that he was staring at, it was a picture of me, my biological mom and my biological dad.

I just stare in deep confusion 

"This was my daughter and my wife, they died quite a while ago, my daughter would be your age now" Dad tells me 

I grab my phone from my phone and go to my camera roll and pull up the exact same picture.

"i thought you looked sorta familiar when i met you..." I say lower than a whisper

"wait I'm confused, where did you get that picture?" Dad asks

"This is a picture of me with my biological parents" I say with tears

"I thought I lost you" Dadza says giving me an extremely tight hug

"I'm now assuming that what I was told was a lie, h-how did she actually you know, leave?" I ask now fully crying

"The house caught on fire, I thought you were home so I left for a while to try and get a new start. So I can now see why you thought I was dead" He explains 

"I just wish we could've been together for longer.." I say

"What do you mean, we are here now and forever" He tells me

"That's untrue, Mum somehow visited me a while ago and she said I was gonna die the day I turn 13" I explain

"What.. That's in 2 months" Dad says sounding hurt

"I know, I'm scared" I say 

"Do you know how it will happen?" Dadza asks

I shake my head meaning no

3 days before y/n's 13th birthday

3rd person

No one ever told Techno, Wilbur or Tommy about y/n dying, they all had a strong bong with her but mostly Wilbur. 

Y/n was genuinely scared of dying, it wasn't the pain she felt would be inflicted it was more so how people would react, especially her brothers. She was also scared of what would happen after death, she's been doing the most random and spontaneous things like going up to people and ask for directions and go to opposite way. She's also been overthinking and having a lot of built up anger because of it.

"Time for dinner!" Phil yells up to his kids

All four kids goes downstairs

Phil hands them their plates of food

"Can I eat upstairs in my room" Y/n asks in a monotone voice

 "Yeah go ahead" Phil responds

Everyone except Y/n sits at the table and starts to eat

"I'm kinda concerned for Y/n, she hasn't seemed actually happy in such a while. And she just stays upstairs all day writing or reading something" Tommy says

"I think she just needs some space" Phil says trying not to draw to much attention to that situation

"Uh- Okay" Tommy says a little upset his dad just brushed off his concerns for his sister


Y/n sets her dinner plate on her desk and picks up her diary


Dear Diary

Hello, if you are reading this I am mostly likely already dead. Don't be upset if you are just remember me. I am writing now just to document what my feelings are like. I am really scared to die, but I wanna see what the afterlife is like and to see mum. If anyone finds this tell
Tommy: I love you so much and I wish I could've had our late night conversations more often and I think you gives great hugs and that I didn't mean the mean things I've said whilst picking on you.

To Wilbur: You were an amazing brother, I love you so much and I loved picking on Tommy with you, You were truly one of my favourite people to be around. I cherish that beanie you made for me ever so dearly, when trying to teach me guitar turned into a huge fail you just kept on trying until after 6 long weeks I got it.
To Techno: You may have been a bit harsh on me but I love you so much, I remember when I first came here and you set your crown on my head that's when I knew you didn't hate me. You teaching me how to fight although I already knew how to PvP, I didn't show it often but I love you.
To Dad: I'm so grateful you adopted me, even if we were already family by blood it needed to be official. I can't express enough over this piece of paper that I love you so much, you're the reason why my grades went up in school, long nights at the dinner table doing an english assignment that I couldn't fully understand, I can't believe I finally got you back and knew it was you but only have a few months left.
I love you all very much and I hope you don't forget me, I hadn't had a proper family in years and now I'm dead or at least when you read this

-July 19th : Y/n Minecraft


849 words

Hello my luvs <3333 I hope you all are amazing, be prepared for the next chapter.... also I am taking suggestions for my next story :) Stay safe!

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