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!!!THIS IS BEFORE ANY OF THE RECENT LORE!!! (even is this isn't even close to following lore)

Y/n's POV

"ouch" I say whilst getting shoved into the closet 

"You should think about this before trying to run off y/n" Dream says

'wait I still have my phone in my pocket, I'm such a dumbass' I remember 

I check my pocket and I was wrong I don't have it, shit. That bitch probably took it.

Phil's POV

I start pacing the room, eventually I pick up my phone and dial Sam's number

"hey Phil is everything alright?" I hear from my phone

"Oh um not really, that is why I am calling.. Earlier today Dream kidnapped my daughter, I wanted to ask if the prison could do anything for this situation" I tell him 

"Yes, we would be able to find Dream and arrest him for child abduction, can you tell me your daughter's name please?" Sam asks

"Thank you so much, her name is Y/n L/n/Minecraft" I tell him

"Y/n L/n?" He asks in utter shock

"Yeah? is there a problem?" I ask him

"She would be involved in several crimes per a week a few months ago, she even got stuck in the prison for a couple days once" Sam says

"What..?" I ask in pure confusion 

"Well that's not relevant right now, anyways I will head down to Dreams house" Sam says 

"Thank you Sam, you don't know how much I appreciate this" I tell him

"Not to worry" Sam says

"Stay safe" I tell Sam

"You too Phil" Sam says before hanging up 

I felt a little bit relieved

Tommy's POV

Why is everyone so extremely upset, she's only been here for like 3 weeks!

I know I sound really petty BUT she has done no good, all she's done is cry and been a burden to this family. 

I go downstairs and see dad sitting on the sofa with tears rolling down his face

"Dadza, can't you see that she was just a burden" I say trying to make him feel better

"TOMATHY, she ISN'T a burden to this family!" Dadza somewhat yells

"She's only been here for 3 weeks!" I explain

"Imagine if Techno or Wil said that about you when you first got here?" Dad says 

"I don't care! You shouldn't have adopted her!" I yell

"maybe I shouldn't have adopted you" Dadza says before realising what he said

He puts his hand over his mouth

"Tommy- I didn't mean it- I'm sor" He says before I cut him off

"wow, real nice dad, makes me feel wonderful" I say

"That's not what I meant!" Dadza says

"I think those words were pretty self explanatory.." I say before heading off to my room

Did he really mean that... I know I was being an arse but still...

Sam's POV 

Y/n.. Oh Y/n, I didn't think I'd have to see her again especially if it wasn't her own doings.

Welp, I should be working on finding her but I just don't feel like it, I'd much rather be working on the prison. But also Phil will be mad.. I don't like the kid but I don't really have a choice.

I head out my front door.

"this is gonna be a long trip" I mutter under my breath

I search to see if I have a boat in my inventory, not very surprising, I don't. I craft a boat and start my journey.


575 words

Hello my luvs <3333 I hope you all are doing amazing. Sorry for the short chapter I've been having writers block but I wanted to get out a chapter. 

Next chapter will probably be pretty interesting<33

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