Wait... What.

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat 

"Where am I...?" I whisper whilst looking around my surroundings

A hospital....

A door shuts and the lights turn on

"She's awake, get her family" Some woman who I assume is a doctor says

"On it" A male voice says

"How long have I been out for?" I quietly ask

"About a few weeks" The female doctor asks

"And.. What happened?" I ask the doctor

"You and your brother were play fighting and you banged your head on the concrete which caused you to fall into a minor coma" The female doctor explains

"O-oh" I stutter

Three unknown people enter the room with the male doctor

"Oh my god honey you're finally awake!" A woman exclaims and runs to my side

There was a Tall male with a stubby beard blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair,  An average height teen with blonde hair green eyes and a bunch of freckles, and the woman at my side was pretty tall with brown hair green eyes and a bunch of freckles just like the teen boy.

The teen boy looks familiar but I can't put my tongue on it.

"Clay get off your phone" The tall male says to the teen

"W-who are you?" I ask in a raspy voice

"What..?" The woman asks heartbroken 

"Why.. doesn't she remember us?" The teen asks

"When y/n hit her head onto the concrete floor, her head hit in a specific way that effected the hippocampus which is the part of the brain that stores your memories. Whilst she was in the coma there is a chance that her brain made a fictional reality that she plays a part in." The doctor explains (I'M NOT A DOCTOR AND MOST OF THE INFORMATION IS FALSE) 

"So..  She doesn't remember us AND she may think she has another family!" The male exclaims angrily 

"Unfortunately yes, I'm going to let you re-acquaint with her" The doctor says before leaving the room

"Do you remember anything about yourself or us?" The lady asks

"I don't remember anything about you guys.. But I remember somethings about me, I'm Y/n L/n and I'm 13 years old that's all though" I say 

"Do you mind if we introduced our selves?" The lady asks

"That would be extremely helpful" I tell them

"Could I go first?" The teen boy asks

The two older people nod their heads

"Alright, I'm Clay I'm 14 years old and you and me have had a hardcore minecraft world for around a year and a half" The teen boy says

"I'm Anne but you call me mum" The lady says

"I'm Robert but you call me dad" The man says

In my brain something just clicked, Clay is Dream! But that doesn't explain why in my coma he was the person who he was...

If that really was just my subconscious mind then why did it feel so real, it felt like the plot was something out of a novel or a film. 

I guess it really wasn't meant to be


483 words 

Hello luvs <3 I don't think y'all were expecting that were ya? I hope you all have enjoyed this book because it has finally ended after a long 6 and a half months of writing this, as I said in the last chapter I am going to be starting a new story so be prepared for that

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now