Out cold

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Philza's POV

"Phil I think something happened" I hear techno say in a worried voice, I was so confused cause Techno never gets worried. I look up and see y/n on the ground "Ah shit Puffy warned me this would happen" I say "Did she say what to do?" Wil asks "Not exactly, I will go message her right now, make sure she's still breathing please" I say whilst grabbing my phone and immediately  

'Hey Puffy, so y/n did get knocked out and we are at the park what should I do?' I send Captain Puffy 'Just make sure she is breathing, you should go back to your house and just lie her down on a sofa or bed and if she's out for quite a while you should take her to the hospital immediately. You should still take her to the doctors though, something similar to this has happened with another child and let's just say it didn't go well' Puffy sent me. "Tubbo can you come here for a quick moment" I ask Tubbo "Did I do something wrong?" He asks me "Definitely not, but when y/n fell did you happen to see if she hit her head?" I ask him trying to sound the least worried "Y-yeah I think she may've" Tubbo says. 

"Kids we are going back home I'll p-" I say while being cut off by Techno "I've got her, the one child I've actually grown a liking for" He said while saying the last part under his breath. We all go to the car, It's the same seating arrangement but Techno is in the middle seat sitting next to y/n making sure she's alive. 

Y/n's POV

I wake up in mine and Tommy's room and my head is just pounding, I look over at Tommy's side of the room and see Tommy and Tubbo on their phones, Tommy looks over at me "Finally you're up" He says loud but not quite yelling. "I'm gonna go get Dadza" Tommy says, I check the time and see that it's 19:52 (7:52pm)  "I'm really sorry about what happened" Tubbo says, I have a puzzled look on my face after he said that and Tubbo notices "Do you remember what happened?" Tubbo asks, I shake my head no "I just remember being at the park and that there was quite a lot of blood" I say whilst Dad and Tommy comes into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Dad says while sitting down next to me "Good but my head hurts a little" I say whilst adjusting my socks "Captain Puffy said when you wake up I should take you to the doctors, I know it's late but I think Puffy is right" Dad says, I just nod.


Wilbur's POV

As soon as I wake up I head downstairs and see Phil getting some cereal out of the pantry "good morning Will" Phil says to me "Morning" I say whilst sitting down at the island in the middle of the kitchen "Do you know if Tubbo slept over last night" I ask Phil "I think he did but I'm not completely sure" Phil says to me. We hear Tommy scream sounding horrified me and Phil look straight at each other and run upstairs "Are you okay!" I ask Tommy while looking at him, I immediately put my hand over my mouth when I see his face.


577 words 

Why hello luvs <3 how are you all feeling today

sorry for the short chapter 

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