Techno is angry

404 11 9

TW: Panic attack, yelling 

Techno's POV

"Dream wants to WHAT?" I ask

"He wants to fight.." Y/n says gradually getting quieter 

"I'm confused, why would that stinky piss baby want to fight The one and only blood god" Tommy says

"I'm not sure" She shrugs 

"What type of consequences did he mention?" I ask  

"He never actually told me he just said consequences" Y/n says 

"Well they can't be that bad" Wil says

"Oh yes they can do you even know Dream?" I say

"When did he say for Techno to fight him?" Wil asks Y/n

"He never specified" She says quietly 


Y/n's POV

"h-how s-so" I stutter because he's reminding me of my foster homes

I think I'm crying because my eyes are hurty and pouring out tears, I'm also pretty sure I'm shaking because I can't really see things the clearest. I hate people yelling at me it brings back horrible memories, 


"TECHNOBLADE!" Dadza Opens the door and says

"O-oh hey Phil" Techno says

"Why are you yelling at the poor kid!" Dadza exclaims

"Because of her I need to fight Dream!" Techno Pleads

"I don't care, look at her she shaking and crying" Dadza says 

Wil comes over and rub my back and pulls me close to him, Wil's my favourite he's very comforting and kind. Tommy was just sorta there in the corner I think he was trying to drown the sound out cause he was reading a book, that's what I used to do to drown out sound when I needed to.

"hey It's okay don't pay attention to them this isn't your fault" Wilbur whispers to me

I start shaking harder, Wil pulls me closer to him 

"Technoblade please leave for a moment" Dadza says

"Ok" He agrees and then leaves

Dadza comes over to me and Wil,

"Whatever Techno said he's wrong" Dadza says

I start finding it a little hard to breath so I try to take a breath but it just feels like the firey pits of hell

Wilbur's POV

"y/n, y/n can you name 3 things in the room for me?" I say because I'm quite sure she's having a panic attack

"um uh t-the b-bookshelf" She barely gets out of her mouth 

"yes, you're doing great 2 more things" I say calmly 

"t-the w-wardrobe" She says a bit better than the last time

"I'm so proud of you just 1 more" I say encouraging her

"t-the d-desk" Y/n says like the last time

"Good job now can you name 3 things you can hear?" I ask

"Y-you" she says 

"Awesome just 2 more y/n you can do it" I say

"My b-breath" She says

"you are doing so good can you say just one more" I ask

"Tommy f-flipping p-pages" She says

"Now can you move 3 limbs for me" I ask

she moves her arm 

"Good, good now another?" I ask

she moves her leg

"I'm really proud of you y/n just 1 more" I say

she moves her opposite arm then the first one

"Good job y/n" I say

"thank you" She whispers whilst hugging me

I only now notice that Phil left, I think he probably went to talk to Techno.

I knew how to calm someone down from a panic attack because I used to get them frequently and I'm very glad that I could help her.

Philza's POV

I need to go talk to Techno about what he just did, I walk over to his room and knock on the door

"Yes?" He says in his low monotone voice

"Can we talk?" I ask him

"I guess yeah" Techno replies 

I go in and sit on his bed and he turns his gaming chair towards me

"I know you get angry and need to express it but you see what just happened, she got a panic attack because of you" I inform him

"wait what" he asks me

"yeah, maybe instead of yelling to take out your anger maybe write a story, draw or maybe start a journal" I suggest

"those are good ideas it's just hard for me to not lash out in anger" Techno says

"I could buy you a punching bag for your room, and you could lash out at that instead of people" I say

"that's a great idea, could you?" he asks

"anything to help you manage your anger" I say

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Hey luvs <3 I wanted to get this chapter out sooner but oh well I may not get the next chapter out until mid January because I am unfortunately going back to school soon and most of my teachers don't give enough class time for projects, but that is just an estimate. I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy.

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