Dream wants to WHAT?

389 11 18

Time skip bestiessss

Y/n's POV

It was time for another day at school we hoped into Wilbur and Techno's shared car, Tommy sat in the passengers seat and Wilbur obviously drove and I was in the back seat. I think Wil wanted to make small talk

"So what's your first class of the morning?" He asks

"Science, I hate science!" Tommy responds

"I think I have math" I say

"Ew math is even worse than science" Tommy says

"I like math" I disagree (I'm not trying to make y/n sound like oH hAhA i'M qUiRkY, I just am some what basing her off of me, also I'm not a pick me I don't like guys like that I'm gay and not female)

"why?" Tommy asks

"Because I'm good at it" I say

That was somewhat true but what I wanted to say was 'I like it because it's the only class I don't fail in' 

"Alright we're here, have fun" Wil says

"Thank you" I respond

"hAvE fUn" Tommy says mocking Wil


"Y/n have a good day, Tommy I hope your day is worse than the fires of hell" Wil says

"Thank you, you too" I say laughing at what Wilbur had said

"Bye Wilbyyy" Tommy says


"But-" Tommy starts

"We're gonna be late Tommy" I say

"Ugh fine" Tommy says 

Time skipppp for lunch(Sorry for all the time skips I just have a specific Idea I don't want to lose)
TW: Bulling about weight, death threats

I didn't quite know where to sit and so I'm just gonna go outside to eat, I can't find Dream, George, Sapnap anywhere's and I don't really want to intrude with Tommy and his friends so I just sit alone. Soon after I see these 2 boys I don't know who they we're but they just start to go off at me.

"Whatcha eating fatty" One of them says

"You shouldn't eat so much" The other says

"I- um" I start

"Lost for words you pig" The first one says

"Go kill yourself" One says

"The only one who is gonna die is you after I'm done with you" 

Dream?! I look up in confusion and see Dream in front and George and Sapnap closely behind him

"D-dream?!" One of the boys says

and with that they run off, Sapnap comes and sits next to me

"You alright n/n" Sapnap asks

"Yeah I'm fine"
No! I'm not fine my foster homes used to tell me that. And then Dream having to scare off those boys didn't make me feel confident, yes I can be a very confident person at times but this time I felt hopeless I felt incapable. I get told this type of things a lot why did this get under my skin?

"n/n?" George says whilst waving his hand in front of my face

"Oh, what sorry?"  I ask

Sapnap giggles, but then Dream shot him a look he immediately stops.

"You sure you're fine?" Dream asks

"Yeah" I say almost breaking, ALMOST

"So I've heard that Technoblade is your brother" Dream says

"Uh yeah?" I say

He laughs 
"The BlOoD gOd" George says

"Well I've heard Technoblade is a pvp god or whatever..." Dream starts
"Tell him to come and fight me or else there will be consequences for him" He finishes 

"Okay.." I say awkwardly 

"And I mean horrible consequences" Dream says


time skip to the end of the school day bitches 

"Y/n, Dadza's car is over there" Tommy informs me

"Alright coming" I say whilst walking over to the car

we get in the car

"Sorry I wasn't there this morning, work needed me" Dadza says

I nod my head

"why does your work need you so much in the nights?" Tommy asks

"I'm not sure bud, it's the worst" He says

we finally get home after a long and awkward car ride, me and Tommy grads our school bags and go inside, we race up to our room unfortunately he won but whatever.

Soon later Wilbur and Techno get home, they come up to our room to make sure we weren't dead or something.

"You guys alive?" Wilbur asks

"As it appears we just so happen to be" I say

"Good Phil would throw a fit if you guys weren't" Techno says

Tommy snickers

just as Techno and Wil were gonna leave I suddenly remembered what Dream told me

"Oh Techno, Dream said that he wants to fight you, and if you don't he will make sure there id consequences. His words not mine" I say

Everyone looks pretty shocked 

"Uhh-" Wil starts before getting cut off

"Dream wants to what?" Techno says


Hey luvs <3 I hope you all had a happy holiday season and I think the story is gonna start getting more exciting soon :] Stay safe and healthy.  

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