The basement

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Techno's POV

"I'm not mad just disappointed" Phil says

The dreaded 5 words

"I didn't mean for this to happen" I say

"But you still did" Phil says

He cannot fully pin the blame on me, it's dream's fault not mine

"It wasn't fully my fault" I say

"Then who's was it?" Phil asks

"It was Dream's can't you see that, yes it is somewhat my fault but you can't fully blame me! I did do something wrong, I will admit that but I'm not the bad guy here!" I plead

"You're right, sorry Techno I shouldn't have blamed you" Phil says

"All I needed" I say before going off to my bedroom

Y/n's POV

I wake up with a cold sweat glazing my forehead, and a horrible headache.

 I see that my surroundings aren't familiar, I can't even see my surroundings it's too dark.

"What is this place?" I whisper 

I can't remember anything that happened earlier, I eventually find the door but find that it's locked

"shit" I whisper

I go to my last resort and start banging on the door


Dream's POV

I hear banging from downstairs 

"LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" I heard slightly

"ah look who's awake" I say to the boys

"Dream why are you doing this, she's been our friend for years" Sap says

"I don't care, we can lose friend in a blink of an eye Sapnap" I tell him

"That is true but you don't go kidnapping them after they we're just protecting their brother" George says

"Ok here's the thing, I... Don't... care..." I say

"Would your mom approve of what you're doing?" Sap asks

"I couldn't care less about what Mom think or What my brother thinks or what anyone thinks. I'M THE MOST POWERFUL MEMBER ON THE SEVER" I shout the last part

"Well then maybe you're too powerful to be friends with us" George says

"What..? No you will stay friends with me or you're dead" I say

"So you care ever so dearly when we try and unfriend you but when y/n does you don't care" George says


I see Sapnap heading towards the basement

"Sap where ya going?" I ask

"Just stop Dream you're getting out of control" Sap says whilst opening the basement door

"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU BITCH" I faintly hear y/n yell

Sapnap starts going downstairs

Sapnap's POV

What Dream is doing is wrong, y/n is my best friend.

I go downstairs and find the closet with the banging noise and open the door

I guess it really wasn't meant to be ~Sleepy Bois Inc. + Reader~Where stories live. Discover now