Dad's Disappointed

441 13 25

Y/n's POV

I'm walking to my locker I'm trying to keep my head down so nobody notices me, 

"Ah your Tommy's sister right" I hear someone say aggressively 

I look up and see a guy with white horns on his head

"y-yeah I am" I say

"Well, give this to him for me" He says whilst punching me in the face 

"Bitch, You asked for this" I say

He has a bit of height on me but I still knock him over and kick him in the balls, at the exact moment I punched him in the face a teacher comes out of her classroom 

"GET OFF OF HIM" She yells

"you got lucky this time" I scoff 

It just so happened to be the teacher from the class I was headed to 

"What is your name?" She asks me

"Y/n Minecraft.." I say 

"Go to the principals office, NOW!" She yells 

I walk the halls of the school only to find the principals office 

"I've been expecting you Y/n, what happened?" The principal asks

"This random guy just comes up to me in the corridor and punches me, so I obviously defend myself" I explain

"That it not what JSchlatt told me" he says 

"I will be calling your father to pick you up and because it's your first day I will only give you one weeks detention" He says 

I wipe the blood of my nose 

"Ok that's fair" I say even though I'm really scared


Phil's POV 

I'm so disappointed in y/n, it's her first day of school and she got in a fight?!

I call Principal Evans and tell her to send y/n outside 

Once she gets inside the car she just looks at her feet 

"I'm really disappointed in you" I say

"It's really not my fault!" She pleads 

"I was just in the corridor and some random dude punched me, so I just defended myself!" She explains 

"That's not what principal Evans said" I tell her

"Well she's wrong! It's not like she saw it, She's only believing the other kid!" She tells me 

"Well I don't care you still were involved in a fight on the first day of school, and that's final" I say

She doesn't speak for the rest of the car ride, when we get home 

"Please go to your room" I ask her 

Y/n's POV 

I grab the diary one of the orphanage staff gave me and I start writing 

'So he expects me to just sit there and get punched?!? It wasn't even my fault and no one believes me! Even worse I got detention for a week! I can't believe people, I wish I still had Mum and Dad'

Tears fall onto the paper and soon I fall asleep even thought It's 2 in the afternoon.

Philza's POV

Oh my, It was y/n FIRST day at her new school and she get's in a fight?!? She's literally 12 what could possibly make her get into a fight? Techno got into his first fight at 15! 

"I'M HOME!" I hear Tommy yell 

he runs upstairs 

"Where's y/n? I couldn't find her so then I went to Mr. Daniels and he said she went home" Tommy says

"She got into a fight," I start

"Wha- with who?" Tommy asks

"Tommy just leave it be" I say 

"uh okay" he says going upstairs

"Hi!" Wilbur says whilst walking through the door 

"Hello" Techno says walking behind Wilbur

"Hey boys how was school?" I ask them 

"Good" Wilbur says

"It was alright" Techno says

"I'm gonna go upstairs and do some work" I tell the boys 

I walk upstairs and into my room 

'I think I'll let it slide this time but she just needs to know not to get into fights and that i'm disappointed' I think 

I hear a knock on my door 

"come in" 

"Yes Tommy?" I say to Tommy standing at my door 

"I just wanted to let you know that Y/n today was hanging out with dream" He says

"DREAM! as in that monstrous child DreamWasTaken?" I ask

"The exact one, apparently they've been friends since she was 7" He informs me 

"I'm going to go have a talk with Y/n" 

I walk over to y/n and Tommy's room and knock on the door 

no response 

I knock again 

still no response 

I slightly open the door and see that she's asleep, I close the door and leave, once she wakes up I'll have a talk with her. I go back downstairs.

"NO IT'S MINE!" Tommy screams 

"NO IT'S NOT, PHILLLLL!" Wilbur yells 

"Yes." I ask


"NO I AM NOT" Tommy pleads

"Tommy give Wilbur his beanie back, I can't deal with this right now" I say whispering the last bit

"Where's y/n?" Techno asks 

"She upstairs in her room" I say 

"Why?" Wilbur asks 

"If you really need to know she got into a fight today" I say

"Did she win?" Techno asks 

"Techno" I say disappointingly 

Y/n's POV
I wake up and check the time and see that it's 4:12 in the afternoon I look over and see Tommy doing what I presume is homework

 "Good Morning! Dadza wanted to talk with you, I can go get him"  He says

Before I can say anything he leaves the room.

2 or 3 minutes go by and Dad comes in the room, he sits on the foot of the bed and faces me. 

"So I've decided that I'm not going to ground you, but for the 3 day suspension you have I will be taking away your phone" He says

"O-okay" I answer

"We're going to do a cooking/baking challenge if you would like to join us" He asks me 

"Sure, why not" I say


971 Words 

Hey luvs <3 I hope you all are doing amazing!

Also hydrate or die straight

Unless you are straight then still hydrate.

Love ya

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