I missED you

286 7 13


Tommy's POV

"Y/n...?" I ask 

"It's G/n now (GHOST NAME), But Tommy Wilbur I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaims

"Why do you look so... transparent?" I ask her

"I'm a ghost dumbass" G/n says sarcastically

Wilbur looks confused and joyous at the same time

"How are you back?" Wilbur asks

"Well, I wanted to be a ghost and so I became one" G/n explains

"hm, seems simple. Anyways DADZA TECHNO COME 'ERE" Wilbur shouts the last bit

Techno opens the door to his room

"what." He says before realising G/n

"Oh my god Y/n!" Techno exclaims

"G/n" G/n corrects Techno

"Sorry, how are you back here?" Techno asks

"You're back from the dead...?" Dadza says after seeing G/n  

"mhm" G/n nods her head 

"Long story but basically I just felt like being a ghost" G/n says

 "How, how did you die?" Techno asks

"I don't quite remember.. I think Dream had something to do with it though" G/n claims

"That bitc-" I say whilst being cut off

Badboyhalo suddenly appears

"LANGUAGE!" He says before disappearing 

"BAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK" I say whilst laughing a lot

"How did he get here." Wilbur asks

"Eh whatever" Techno brushes off

Y/n a.k.a G/n's POV

"Anyways did Dream stab you?" Wilbur asks going all serious again

Memories from that day flow back into my head 

"As many people before me have said... it was never meant to be"

I remember the pain from getting stabbed

I remember the look Dream gave me before stabbing me

I remember how Wilbur reacted 

I remember my blood stained clothing 

I remember apologising for my own death 

I can remember

I slowly nod my head to respond to Wilbur's question

"Why did he kill you?" Tommy asks

"You know, let me go ask my pal Dream, OF COURSE I DON'T KNOW!" I snap

"You've gotten a lot meaner G/n" Tommy informs me

"Dying is no pleasure, why don't you take a guess why I've gotten meaner Tommy"  I say extremely  

"Oh.. uh.. I'm sorry.." Tommy says somewhat guilty

Sometime later

I am just looking through my belongings that I brang when I first arrived to this house

"Oh my god..." I say whilst grabbing this journal from 4 or 5 years ago

I open it up and start reading 

'deer dairee

     Tody me, drem, goege and snapap pleyed in teh froest but mess pufy tlod us nut to (TRANSLATION= Dear diary, Today me, Dream, George and Snapmap played in the forest but Miss Puffy told us not to) 

"God I was a horrible speller" I whisper to myself

I reach into the chest and I grab out something I don't recognise 

One of Dream's masks...

"what the fuck...." I say whilst throwing the mask across the room

When I do I see a note on the back on the mask, I cautiously walk over to where it landed.

I grab the note.

'Hey Y/n

Have you forgotten about me? I assume not, I've heard you're a ghost now. I can't believe you were brave enough to come back. I cant believe you actually came back'

I can't read more than this, how did it get in here, why is this letter here?

Before I know it my eyes get watery and start flooding out tears.

But the tears start burning my face which only makes me cry harder.

I hear a door shut and I quickly wipe my eyes, but they were still puffy, red and covered with burns

"You good?" Tommy asks

"mhm" I say with a quivering voice 

"I doubt that by your puffy eyes and shaky voice" He says like a smartass

"N-no I'm completely f-fine" I tell him

"I can clearly tell you aren't fine, so let me ask you again you good?" he asks 

"No" I admit starting to sob again

"Let it all out" Tommy tells me

"I see that stupid mask day by day, in my dreams. He left me a fucking letter, he killed me for gods sake! Dream is making my life a living nightmare, I can't take it much longer!" I sob out 

"That's just what Dream does, he acts like your friend and then one day turns his back on you and makes your life a fucking hell." Tommy explains

"I-i'm sorry, I don't like venting to people" I say

"No worries" He says somewhat proudly 

"Anyways dinner's ready" Tommy tells me

"Alright I'll be down in a sec" I say

================================================================================================================================================================ 706 words

Hey luvs <3 Make sure to sleep! I think that this story will come to an end soon, but I will be starting a new one soon, if anyone has any suggestions for the new story I would love to hear them <3

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